"You sure you don't need us following you around?" Jin asked Yuna. "I've only lost my memory, not my common sense. I'll be fine," Yuna replied. "Besides, if we stay together, we'll have less of a chance to get to the finals." "Suit yourself then," Jin said, and Yuna headed off to challenge anyone she would come across. "Well, I don't think you need me, Yuji-kun," Jin said, flashing a grin at Yuji. "See ya in the finals!" With that, Jin ran off to go do his own thing as well. Yuji sighed. It was time to act now. Yuji went off in a different direction from the other two, intending to win every duel he was in. Daemon was walking through the city, minding his own business. He made the very clever choice of hiding the duel disk he had in his backpack, this way NOBODY knew that he was a duelist! ...Except for those that viewed the spectacle in the skatepark. And the entire academy. Thoooose might be a problem. Daemon was in the market, sneaking through the crowds of people. Around him a few duels seem to have started already... Though that's exactly what he'd like to avoid. While looking at one, the brown haired boy bumped into another person, and got flung right to the floor. [color=#d79d58]"O-Ow..."[/color] Daemon rubbed the area above his behind, it hurting from the impact with the floor. He looked up to the person he ran into by accident, apologizing with [color=#d79d58]"Ehehe... Sorry about that one."[/color] Then the kid took a better look. [color=#d79d58]"O-Oh. You're Yuji, aren't you...?"[/color] Yuji had been walking for a while, watching other Duels taking place as he went. There was some competition going on, and Yuji knew that he should be careful if he were to make it to the finals. Distracted, he bumped into another person and stumbled backwards for a bit before regaining his balance. He looked to see a boy who looked a little older than him and was on the ground. "No worries, it was my fault," Yuji replied. The boy seemed to recognize him and mentioned his name. "Yeah, I am. Are you from the academy?" Wait, why the hell did Daemon think it was a good idea to call this guy out by name?! Mentally the boy was kicking himself for this mistake, but physically he got up without any worries. Dusting off his sweater, he gave a half-assed smile at Yuji. [color=#d79d58]"Sure am. Heard your name crop up a few times, so it was a lucky guess."[/color] While normal people would give out a hand to shake, Daemon instead started staring off into... Nothing. While his eyes were aimed at Yuji, they sure weren't focused on him and it was noticable. Yuji noticed the odd look in the boy's eyes, but couldn't quite put his finger on what exactly it was. Regardless, it was of little concern. "If you're from the academy, I assume that you're a Duelist," Yuji concluded. He lifted up his currently inactive Duel Disk and challenged Daemon, "How about a Duel?" If the boy was kicking himself earlier, now he's flinging himself into the wall over and over again. Well, show's over. Now he HAS to play in the tournament. [color=#d79d58]"Duelist...? Yeah, I am..."[/color] Daemon flung the bag over his shoulder to his front side and ruffled through it. It took him a little while but eventually found what he was looking for: A black painted mass produced KC disk. It's went through a few modifications but you could still see the original below it. Daemon first out his back on the floor, then slid the disk across his arm. He walked back a few steps and took a hold of the deckbox on his belt. It popped open with one smooth motion, Daemon grabbing the cards inside and throwing them inside the holder on the disk. By now the boy had stepped far enough away from Yuji, ready to start at any time. The brown haired boy extended his arm, causing the Duel Disk to activate by the two ends sliding into eachother. [color=#d79d58]"Ready when you are."[/color] While Daemon was getting ready, Yuji activated his Duel Disk, the blade forming and becoming ready for a Duel. "Let's do it," Yuji said. "Duel!" [b][color=#d79d58]"Duel!"[/color][/b] [hider=Duel! The Ice King Vs. The Kid] [b][u]Turn 1: Daemon[/u][/b] Daemon: 4000 LP / 5 cards Yuji: 4000 LP / 5 cards Daemon drew his five cards and looked at them, thinking of his first move. He smirked at one of the cards in there. [color=#d79d58]"Alright, for my first card I choose this!"[/color] The Field Spell compartment slid open, and Daemon threw a card in there. A net of sorts sprawled across the field, between the two duelists. [color=#d79d58]"Extra Net. Whenever one of us Summons something from the Extra Deck, the other draws a card."[/color] Daemon looked over his cards again... Nothing too spectacular, honestly. [color=#d79d58]"Now I activate my Spell card called Ante! With this, we both reveal a card. If it's a trap or spell, it's level is zero. The one with the highest level wins!"[/color] Daemon slipped a card from his hand, holding it out in front of Yuji with it's back turned. Yuji looked over his hand for the Ante. Nothing was particularly high leveled in his hand. He then decided on his Level 6 Ice Born Falcon. After pulling it out of his hand, he revealed it to Daemon. "Level 6," Yuji said. [color=#d79d58]"That your final answer? 'Cause mine..."[/color] Deamon turned his card around, revealing the Level 8 Swordsman of Revealing Light. [color=#d79d58]"...Is higher! The loser discards his card, then takes 1000 points of damage."[/color] Yuji was disappointed, but was also expecting to lose the Ante. Yuji inserted his Falcon into the Graveyard and took the damage. [b]Yuji: 4000 LP --> 3000 LP[/b] [color=#d79d58]"I end my turn with placing a card face-down."[/color] Daemon sighed in relief, now that that turn's over. He made the best he could out of that hand, and now Yuji was up to show what he had in store. [b][u]Turn 2: Yuji[/u][/b] Daemon: 4000 LP / 2 cards, 1 Field Spell, 1 S/T Yuji: 3000 LP / 6 cards As Yuji drew his next card, he took the time to ponder his opponent's strategy. Ante was a card that relied on having high-leveled monsters in the hand, and Swordsman of Revealing Light was a monster that could Special Summon itself in the right circumstances. It was too early to tell exactly what it was, but Yuji wasn't going to be idle. "I Summon Ice Born Egg in Defense mode!" Yuji declared. [b]Ice Born Egg - Level 1, DEF 0[/b] "When Ice Born Egg is Normal or Special Summoned, I can Tribute it, then Special Summon an 'Ice Born' monster from my Graveyard," Yuji explained as the Egg cracked open. "Revive, Ice Born Falcon!" The light blue falcon emerged from the egg and screeched loudly. [b]Ice Born Falcon - Level 6, DEF 2500[/b] "I then place 2 cards face down and end my turn," Yuji said. He would have liked to attack, but wouldn't be able to without getting his Falcon destroyed by Swordsman of Revealing Light. [b][u]Turn 3: Daemon[/u][/b] Daemon: 4000 LP / 3 cards, 1 Field Spell, 1 S/T Yuji: 3000 LP / 3 cards , 1 Mon, 2 S/T [color=#d79d58]"Alright, My turn! Draw!"[/color] Daemon jerked his card from the disk's deck slot and looked at it. A few seconds later the boy let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he can go on the offensive now. [color=#d79d58]"Alright, when there's not a single monster in my Graveyard this baby can be Special Summoned!"[/color] Daemon revealed his card to Yuji, portraying a woman dressed in some sort of shamanic outfit and a sword on the hip. [color=#d79d58]"Come on, Guardian Eatos!"[/color] He threw the card onto the disk, a few seconds later the woman rising from a vortex in the ground in Attack position. [b]Guardian Eatos 2500 ATK 2000 DEF, Level 8 WIND Fairy[/b] [color=#d79d58]"Now, from my hand, I activate the following Spell card: Riryoku. It halves one of your monsters' attack and adds it to my own!"[/color] Ice Born Falcon was forced to land as a stinging pain overcame it, swirling darkness forcibly pushing itself out of the bird's body. It shot to Eatos' blade, turning the fine steel edge into a black, sinister color. [b]Ice Born Falcon - ATK 2300 --> ATK 1150[/b] [b]Guardian Eatos - ATK 2500 --> ATK 3650[/b] [color=#d79d58]"Battle phase!"[/color] Daemon was getting riled up now. He took a lead for a very small moment and wasn't about to waste it. Two facedowns? Bring it. [color=#d79d58]"Eatos, slash at Ice Born Falcon!"[/color] the boy declared, signalling the attack to start. Eatos lowered her now dark-looking blade down towards Falcon for a second before grabbing the hilt with both of her hands. She dove down and charged straight for the artic beast, stabbing it through the chest and blowing it up into particles. After Ice Born Falcon was destroyed, Yuji said, "When Ice Born Falcon is destroyed by battle, I can Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower 'Ice Born' monsters from my deck. I Summon two Ice Born Chicks in Defense mode!" Two bluish chicks then appeared on the field. [b]Ice Born Chick - Level 3, DEF 100[/b] Alright, nailed it! This wasn't as bad as the green-eyed one of the two thought it'd be at the start, though something tells the boy this wasn't the end. [color=#d79d58]"You use Exceeds, don't you? You're a pretty big name around campus. Just because you have your title doesn't mean I'll go easy, though!"[/color] "I expect nothing less," Yuji replied curtly. [color=#d79d58]"Heh! Great. With that, I end my turn as well as the effect of Riryoku!"[/color] Daemon yelled excitedly. Only three turns in and the duel was already intense... A grin couldn't help but be formed on the boy's face. Yuji was a terrifying duelist, by most accounts that is. [b]Guardian Eatos - ATK 3650 --> ATK 2500[/b] [b][u]Turn 4: Yuji[/u][/b] Daemon: 4000 LP / 1 card, 1 Mon, 1 Field Spell, 1 S/T Yuji: 3000 LP / 4 cards, 2 Mon, 2 S/T "Draw," Yuji said as he drew his next card. "Using my two Ice Born Chicks, I construct the Overlay network!" A black-and-starry swirling galaxy appeared above, and the two chicks turned into balls of energy that shot into the center. "With fangs made with the thickest of ice, feed on your foes and freeze them with fear! Xyz Summon! Freeze them all, Ice Born Frost Dragon!" Yuji chanted, the icy dragon roaring as it appeared on the field. [b]Ice Born Frost Dragon - Rank 3, ATK 2100, OL 2[/b] The dragon flew right into the net, an inevitability considering it was in the way. [color=#d79d58]"Remember, Extra Net 'nets' me a card! ...Thaaaat was horrible."[/color] The dragon managed to struggle free right as Daemon drew, him now shutting up. "I activate my Frost Dragon's effect. By detaching one Overlay unit, it can attack twice this turn," Yuji explained, the dragon eating one of the little purple orbs that revolved around it. "Battle! Ice Born Frost Dragon, attack Guardian Eatos!" As the dragon rushed towards the angel, Yuji continued, "I also activate a facedown Quick-Play Spell card: Quick Freeze. When an 'Ice Born' monster I control battles an opponent's monster, my 'Ice Born' monter gains 500 ATK, and your monster loses 500 ATK!" [color=#d79d58]"Trap card open!"[/color] The facedown Daemon placed in the beginning opened up, revealing a box that diverted an arrow inside of it. [color=#d79d58]"Anti-Magic Prism. When my opponent activates a Quick-Play Spall card, it destroys one card on the field."[/color] Daemon smirked. This was great, he didn't ACTUALLY expect to be able to use this card AT ALL. Getting saved by the silliest things... [color=#d79d58]"I choose your Ice Born Frost Dragon!"[/color] "Trap card open: Frozen Guardian," Yuji countered. "This turn only, Ice Born monsters I control cannot be destroyed by card effects." As a beam fired out of the prism, an ice statue of a shieldmaiden appeared in front of Ice Born Frost Dragon, repelling the beam. Aaand there goes the smirk. And here the older of the two thought he got the upper hand... Oh well, time for a new course of action. [b]Ice Born Frost Dragon - ATK 2100 --> ATK 2600[/b] [b]Guardian Eatos - ATK 2500 --> ATK 2000[/b] Ice Born Frost Dragon then flapped its wings powerfully, sending a strong gust of wind that blew away Guardian Eatos. [b]Daemon - 4000 LP --> 3400 LP[/b] "Now for a direct attack!" Yuji continued, the wave from the earlier attack still heading towards Daemon. Daemon knew he had a card in his hand that could stop the attack, but... It just wasn't worth it. The hit landed, knocking the guy's LP down by a hefty chunk. [b]Daemon - 3400 LP --> 800 LP[/b] "I now Summon Ice Born Eyes in Defense mode," Yuji said, a frozen statue with eyes that appeared to be looking around randomly appearing on the field. [b]Ice Born Eyes - Level 3, DEF 1000[/b] "I place one card facedown and end my turn, and Ice Born Frost Dragon's ATK returns to normal," Yuji ended. [b]Ice Born Frost Dragon - ATK 2600 --> ATK 2100[/b] [b][u]Turn 5: Daemon[/u][/b] Daemon: 800 LP / 3 cards, 1 Field Spell Yuji: 3000 LP / 2 cards , 2 Mon, 1 S/T [color=#d79d58]"My turn, Draw!"[/color] A single bead of sweat rolled down the older boy's face. The heat was really coming in now, and the effects were noticable... Or uh, cold? Whatever the right phrase for this was, it didn't matter. The green eyed one took a glance at his card and nearly cry out in joy, as it'd get him out of here. [color=#d79d58]"Alright, I activate this Spell card!"[/color] Daemon slid it into the disk, revealing a black hole sucking in Decayed Commander. [color=#d79d58]"Dark Core. It allows me to discard a card, then banish one of yours!"[/color] Daemon threw his swordsman into the grave, then pointed at Dragon. [color=#d79d58]"Slay the dragon, my valiant knight!"[/color] Ice Born Frost Dragon was then absorbed into a black hole. Yuji took the card from his Duel Disk and showed it to Daemon for a second before placing it in one of his pockets. Daemon took the last card of his hand and put it onto the disk. [color=#d79d58]"Now, because of Barbaros' effect from my hand I can Summon him without tribute. His ATK becomes 1900, though."[/color] [b]Beast King Barbaros 1900 ATK 1200 DEF, Level 8 EARTH Beast-Warrior[/b] [color=#d79d58]"Battle phase! I attack your Ice Born Eyes with my Barbaros!"[/color] "I activate the effect of my Ice Born Eyes," Yuji countered. "Once per turn, I can negate an attack targeted at an 'Ice Born' monster." The eyes suddenly glowed red, and Barbaros seemed to freeze with fear and back off. [color=#d79d58]"Tck."[/color] Daemon clicked his tongue. Not much use to do anything now... [color=#d79d58]"Alright then, passing things off to you! Turn end."[/color] [b][u]Turn 6: Yuji[/u][/b] Daemon: 800 LP / 0 card, 1 Mon, 1 Field Spell, Yuji: 3000 LP / 3 cards, 1 Mon, 2 S/T "Draw," Yuji said, drawing his next card. "I Summon Ice Born Commander in Attack mode," Yuji said, an armored figure appearing on the field. [b]Ice Born Commander - Level 4, ATK 1900[/b] "I activate Commander's effect! Once per turn, I can target one 'Ice Born' monster I control and either raise or lower its Level by one until the End Phase. I choose my Ice Born Eyes, and raise its Level by one," Yuji explained. [b]Ice Born Eyes - Level 3 --> Level 4[/b] "Now, with my two Level 4 monsters, I construct the Overlay network!" Yuji declared, the two monsters flying into the swirling galaxy above. "Frozen steel in hand, heart as cold as ice, warmth shuttering in fear of your might, strike them Frozen! Xyz Summon!!! Freeze them all, Ice Born Warrior Nordread!!! [b]Ice Born Warrior Nordread - Rank 4, ATK 2500, OL 2[/b] [color=#d79d58]"With Extra Net, I draw one card!"[/color] Much like the dragon before it, Nordread got stuck in the giant net that runs across the field. Once Daemon drew his card it broke free. "I activate the effect of Ice Born Warrior Nordread! By detaching one Overlay unit, I can return an 'Ice Born' monster from my hand or Graveyard to the deck, then Nordread gains ATK equal to the returned monster's." Yuji explained. "I return Ice Born Falcon in my Graveyard to my deck, and Nordread gains 1150 ATK!" [b]Ice Born Warrior Nordread - ATK 2500 --> ATK 3650[/b] "Ice Born Warrior Nordread, attack Beast King Barbaros!" Yuji commanded, the warrior swinging its mighty weapon at the chimera. Daemon looked at the card he drew and... Laughed. Laughed harder than anyone should. Barbaros was destroyed and the boy's life dropped to 0, a smile on his face. [color=#d79d58]"I fully admit my loss, 'Ice King'. Guess you're as good as they say."[/color] [b]Daemon 800LP > 0LP[/b] [/hider] [hider=Aftermath] After the monsters all disappeared, Yuji went over to Daemon and extended a hand to help him up. "Just call me Yuji. I don't really like being called 'Ice King'," Yuji said. [color=#d79d58]"Haha, sure. And thanks for the hand..."[/color] The older boy grabbed onto the extended hand and pulled on it slightly to get a bit of balance going, then dusting off his behind. [color=#d79d58]"I wasn't actuallly intending on fighting in this tourney a whole lot, but now it seems like I gotta, eh? Good luck with your duels, by the way."[/color] "Same to you," Yuji said. "By the way, I don't think I ever caught your name." [color=#d79d58]"...Know what? Let's keep it that way. Don't need an onlooker spreading a rumour that I suck, haha."[/color] "Fair enough," Yuji said, nodding. "Well, bye, and thanks for the duel." With that, Yuji began walking away, searching for his next opponent, whoever that may be.[/hider]