[b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Friday, May 15 2015 - After School[/b] When the bell signalled the end of class for the day, the usual hustle and bustle broke out - at least, the same as the last few days. A few had arranged for some study meets with their friends from other classes, others had given up on the midterms all together and were attempting to get others to come along for something fun to do whilst other were unbothered by all of it and just got on with their usual routine. Kotori, judging by the way she was as ever finishing her day's notes, belonged to the latter category - even if she was rather more nervous than such a thing might suggest. Whilst she kept up her studies as ever, the atmosphere whenever big tets were up and coming tended to get to her and left her a little unsure - she'd taken a lot longer on that math exercise than she ought to, she kept forgetting the exact translation of that one English words. With a small sigh she closed her notebook - she knew that dwelling over mistakes wouldn't do any good, but she just couldn't help it. Looking up, she saw that most of the class had already left the room - a class that included Akane again after she'd shown up again on Tuesday. Kotori had wondered about the absence, but it wasn't really her place to just go up and ask her about it; bothering the girl just to satisfy her own curiosity. Heading out of the classroom with her bag over her shoulder, Kotori headed toward the Agriculture Club - with the rather lax nature of the club most of the days, it really was almost a kind of study meet in and of itself. She'd had to miss out on Monday unfortunately as there had been a rather unexpected influx of customers at the Flower Shop on that day so she'd gone home to help out - she still felt a little guilty, but there neither of the other two club members seemed to mind it; helping to ease the conscience at least somewhat. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen quite as many people dressed in suits about these last days; though they had made up a peculiarly large number of said customers. Reaching the clubroom, Kotori put those thoughts aside though. [b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club Room | After School[/b] The Agriculture club was much the same as usual - Matthew was already there and watering the flowers in the room, which she noticed had again grown in number, and returned her quiet greeting with his usual cheer. She recalled an odd rumour about some claiming to have seen him tending the plants whispering in relief things about 'pretty flowers', 'nice sunlight' and something about creepy castles earlier in the week, but she had dismissed it as yet another outlandish rumour; much like those that cropped up whenever someone had been kidnapped. Seated at the table in the clubroom and with her notebooks before her, Kotori briefly shook her head as if to clear her thoughts of such things and instead focus on what was at hand.