[center][h2][b]Floyd Edwards[/b][/h2][hr][hr][/center] Arriving from what seemed like no-where, Floyd just lazed around the tower in various locations, seemingly to find somewhere comfortable enough to nap. His relaxed attitude often, ironically, led him to be curious about different locations and the potentiality that they offer, if only for his dormant necessities. One suitable place he discovered was a window in the shape of a large circle split into quarters by the borders; its sill was reasonably thick to the point where he could lay in it adequately. The unfortunate part was how the walls were too good at being walls, in that they just didn't provide any respite for the poor boy as they were too hard and strong. He supposed that this point was for the better, however, as it actually required him to move to find pillows. Whilst on his magnificent quest for a few cushions, the youth got out his collection of cards and went through them individually, making sure to be careful with each. He had grown fond of the Prediction Princesses that he had come to know and... acknowledge, yet Floyd felt a desire to build a new deck from the card packs he'd hope that he would accumulate. Two thoughts came to his mind immediately; Blackwings and plants. Of course, in his favourite video game of Pocket Creatures, the birds beat the plants, however in this case he decided to take the side of the underdog. Finally, the impending realisation that there was an Introduction assembly dawned upon him - this was supplied by the lack of students littering the hallways. His quick feet carried him to the location just in time for him to sneak in and hear his dorm placement; as it turned out, he was not that late and there was another twenty minutes of waffling that wasted his time before at last, the headmaster had preached that he was in the Earth dorms. A tempestuous amount of accomplishment surged over Floyd, as he lacked the wit to realise that Earth was supposedly for the less academically bright. Nevertheless, he continued to feel as if he had won a marathon and climbed a mountain at the same time. In no hurry to go to his dorm, Floyd quickly sneaked a bite of toffee from his bag that he had sneaked into the academy through less-than decent ways. The deliciousness of such treats were more valuable to him than his own cards, as it turned out, but his act was not of malice - he just really enjoys sweet snacks. Unfortunately, not everybody shares this emotion, as one of the staff only needed a quick glance to discover the illegal contraband that had entered this school. It was as if it was all in slow motion, from the teacher's discovery, to his eyes widening and mouth opening, to Floyd realising this and finally to Floyd running away. How saddening, that his addiction had come to this. "Hey, kid! You're not allowed that!" The teacher squawked as he chased in hot pursuit; it appeared as if he was one of the softer ones... Perhaps Floyd could get away from him? He decided to answer this question with another: Will the piece of toffee he just threw at him throw him off? He never found out the answer, as whilst looking back to throw the toffee, Floyd did not even allow himself to see the wet floor sign and ultimately, the wet floor. The fall came as gracefully as somebody falling should; not at all. The sudden squeaking sound that followed his slip was as threatening as a demonic chant to the boy, but the appearance of his feet so far off the ground was just the harbinger of his demise. A short sickness of motion imbalance was followed by a large thud, pain and blackness. Waking up on top of a hospital bed made Floyd a winner at something; the first at blacking out from being chased by a teacher in the year. Such an accomplishment, however, was not one that he was going to flaunt, yet deep inside it still brought him some joy, as if he was an underachiever. The youth made an on-point descent from the bed by falling off of it, once again prominently displaying his clumsiness for everyone to gaze upon; sometimes he was glad that he was barely ever embarrassed, although spotting the doctor stifle a chuckle disconcerted him slightly. Before leaving the medical room, he quickly glanced at the time and discovered it to be only ten minutes after he fell, so he decided that it wasn't really that important to do the paper work and just wrote incomprehensible scribbles wherever he was forced to write. His escape from that fun-sized hospital meant that Floyd had now gained a lot of time to do nothing, which was perfect for him, because now he could nap. The youngling was able to steal some cushions from the janitor's supply closet as he was busy cleaning up some mucky water that was spilled from his mop bucket. Poor man, who could've done that? After finally completing the first quest he set himself, Floyd laid the cushions perfectly on the sill, carefully laid himself upon them and drifted away into blissful sleep. That was, of course, until the obnoxious sound of an old man's voice woke him from his slumber, forcing upon Floyd the slight dread that he was [i]still[/i] not in his uniform. Despite this, he was forever more bothered by how rudely the announcement had been, as if he was standing in the street and someone had thrust a baby into his arms in hopes that he would look after it appropriately, except nothing like that at all. From all of the internal arguments he was having, all of Floyd's emotions abruptly decided to attend the special even in the B1 Arena, praying that he might get a few cards out of it. He at least hoped it would be quick, as he had other matters to attend to, such as more napping. The lighting in Arena B1 rivaled anywhere else in the school, at that moment; the brightness caught him off guard and caused him to squint to find seating, before finally the bleachers made themselves apparent. Placing himself upon a random location, he decided to have a short power nap until somebody else decided to speak.