[b][h2]Ryan Alon-Warakuma High[/h2][/b] Ryan walked out of the school with a smile on his face. It was the weekend before the midterms, meaning he needed to relax and get some rest in preparation. Studying was over. He rolled his shoulders and began thinking. Today was an Anime and Manga club meeting huh? He should head over there. Ryan turned around and walked right back into the school. A few minutes later he was at the entrance of the classroom and he walked in. Ryan sat down in a vacancy chair and began reading one of the various mangas that that weird shopkeeper had given him. This one was... Fullmetal Alchemist. This could be good. As he read his mind wandered to when Mom would be coming home. She had dropped by last night to check on him. He had even prepared dinner and everything, just for her. She went straight to bed after seeing how his studies were going and this morning she was gone, with only a note saying she would be back in a month. The usual really. He snapped back to reality and realized he was gripping the book a bit too tightly. Ryan relaxed his grip and looked around. Was anyone going to show up today? It was the week before midterms after all.