[b]Akane Hanazawa // Warakuma High // Class 2-2 --- > Manga Club[/b] Friday, May 15th, 2015 After School It was around this time that students would be taking time off of clubs and preparing themselves for the exams that are due to come in the coming days but Akane couldn't be bothered, she had other things on her mind. Mainly what happened last week, as well as Rui's words,[b]'We'll talk about that later when we have everyone present'[/b]. [i]But when exactly would that be? It's already been 4 days, how much longer will I have to wait to get answers?[/i] With a sigh, she could only continue to stare off into the sky. She knew it was her impatience getting in the way but it's aggravating all the same. When the bell rang, she stood up and silently left the classroom as she made her way to the clubroom. Still in a daze, she approached the clubroom and snapping her out of it was a loud voice coming from the doorway. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Do you really need to yell, especially in a room of this size? I could hear you from the hallway, you know? Honestly....You'd think someone just died or something."[/b][/color] she replied with annoyance, approaching the voice from behind. [color=9e0b0f][b]"You've got some nerve interr-"[/b][/color] she started as the person began turning around before she stopped. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Oh, it's just you Alexei. Need something?"[/b][/color] she said flatly, not exactly in the frame of mind to worry about how the words sounded as they came out, as she moved passed him and sat in a chair, placing her things on the table.