[center][h3]Warakuma High - After School > Star Drop Cafe 15/5/2015 Friday[/h3][/center] Rui strode by the Manga Club since he heard Akane had been discharged the day before to see if she was fine, but it appears she was. There were quite a few people at the manga club at this moment. A big gruff student, and kind of the polar opposite to that, a feminine looking student in the room reading Full Metal Alchemist. Soon the big guy left, and he recognized from the voice it was Alexei. So Akane knew him too. [color=slategray]"It looks like you're doing fine Akane, if I didn't know better I'd say he was your bodyguard or something"[/color], this comment wouldn't seem like much unless you know Akane was a daughter to a yakuza branch. [color=slategray]"In any case, most of my studying is done, so I'm going to relax in town today. If you need any help in the weekends you're free to call me up"[/color], that, and he needed to explain the dungeons and such to her. If she was restless about it before exams though, she was free to call him and arrange to share with her the info. Otherwise, when that was established he bid farewell to Akane, and the other club member... Whose name he didn't know. He was sure he would meet him again later though. [hr] The bells for the cafe rang as he walked in. The maid cafe was rather restrained today, there weren't many customers, a few students here to try and get some studying in a different kind of environment. As always though he waited to be greeted and seated, which shouldn't take longer than a few moments.