[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Star Drop Cafe || May 15 FRI: After School[/h3] The pair of amethyst orbs blinked as they spotted a familiar figure, Rui, at the entrance. On cue, the dominantly male employees (due to the mobile suit theme) greeted the boy with a [i]'Welcome home, master!'[/i] While one of the waiters was leading the customer to a table, Shizu raised her arm for a wave and called over, [color=violet]"Shinichi-senpai! If you wouldn't mind a company, would you like to sit here with me?"[/color] A friendly smile flashed across her lips as she invited her acquaintance...? Friend...? The maiden was generally polite and kind towards acquaintances but she usually couldn't tell when someone considered her as a friend. Putting her previous thought aside, the freshman approached her upperclassman, whether or not he chose to stay at her table, to hand over the menu from atop the table she was seated at. [color=violet]"The theme for this week is mobile suit, as you can see some miniature models being displayed here and there. If you've made up your mind on your order, I can--"[/color] Before she had the chance to continue with her statement, a hand lightly pat her shoulder, to which the girl responded with a turn of her head. [b]"Now, now, Shizu. You're off work for a reason. Let me handle our dear customers, alright?"[/b] It was Kenji, the manager. Her lips parted to protest but deciding that he was right and doing her a favor, she nodded with a light smile and sat back down on her seat. [b]"Shizu here isn't supposed to be working today so I'll be taking her place as your server. If you wouldn't mind of course, master. Once you're ready to order, I'll just be close by. "[/b]