Adrien sighed and shook his head. 'Well he's a bit full of himself. Especially for someone who couldn't even get past the first tier of my deck, of course I'm one to talk on that.' Adrien thought to himself as he turned to Amelia and smiled once more. At least seeing new potential always brightened up things. "Well Amelia, looks likes it's back to just you and me huh?" Adrien said cheerfully. "What do you think after that one?" "I think you're both rather rude, but he's actually smarter then you give him credit for. He had two decks but why use one that had a lower chance of winning against you?" Amelia said Adrien turned his head to where Josh walked off still smiling. "Because you use a weaker deck to test people Amelia, and while that's all fun in games, I don't just show people my full deck if they aren't willing to show me what they really have either. Though I'll give you one thing. You're right that I don't give him enough credit, though I could say the same about you giving me credit you know? His deck is overly predictable which is why I didn't have to worry one bit. Gem Knights will always be strong, but if you know what to expect they're quite simple to deal with. Now, what shall we do next?" Adrien offered. "If a deck is overly predictable, then how do you counter the predictability?" Amelia asked, obviously not going to drop this soon. "Well that's the simple part. You just do what I do. Let them believe that your deck is completely predictable. The trick is not letting it actually be that predictable. Or I suppose you could go with the method of some decks and try and make it too good to matter, though that's not really a thing, but hey it's always amusing to see people try right? Another thing you could do is just not make a predictable deck. Make something unique." Adrien randomly got a huge grin on his face and started laughing. "So Archetypes are pointless." Amelia summarized While laughing a bit still Adrien nodded. "If all you have is that Archetype, then yeah. It's basically doomed to fail against any real duelist." Adrien sighed and calmed down. "I learned that the hard way when I was younger. That's why when I got my first Red-Eyes and I changed my deck up a bit I knew what I wanted to do for my true deck." "So I'm doomed to fail." Amelia said, sounding miserable now. "Might as well give up." Adrien shook his head. "There you go with that doom and gloom stuff again. We'll work out something just for you, don't you worry. The first trick is figuring out what truly suites you though, then we'll go from there. Also that reminds me, you owe me a more complete and honest answer now Amelia." Adrien looked her in the eye more serious this time, but not losing the sense of care. "I know what I want. I simply can't seem to have it." Amelia said, not looking Adrien in the eye as her cheeks turned a bit red." So what do you want to know?" "Where to start with you, hmmm. Let's go with why you're always so down about your lack of dreams, and Duel Monsters first." Adrien replied. He had to get answers and help her, but she definitely was going to be a bit more difficult than others. "That ties in with everything else." Amelia said. "My parents own several big companies. I'm their only child and thus their only heir. As such, I'm set to inherit everything. My entire life has been planned out for me." "Ah, well that would definitely explain a few things. Tell me do you know anything about the three Blue-Eyes White Dragons?" Adrien pondered. "Seto Kaiba." Amelia said. "Who doesn't know about them?" "Exactly. And do you know anything about Seto Kaiba himself?" At this point Adrien was wondering if he could get Amelia to give herself hope, or perhaps he would have to explain, either way hopefully he could work this out on the fly. Amelia gave Adrien a look that seemed to ask how stupid he thought she was. "Humor me..." He bluntly stated. "Took over his adopted fathers company, made it into his own, transforming it from a weapons producing company to what we know it as today. Unlike him though, I can't pull that off." Amelia said Adrien laughed a little. "Well that wasn't what I was trying to get you to do so that's fine. The point here is do you really think his adopted father [i]let[/i] him learn to play the game and practice, or even collect the cards?" Adrien gave her a quizical look. "No. And neither do mine." Amelia said "So what? You think Seto Kaiba just rolled over and took it? Of course not! He practiced anyway, he found ways to improve, hell he-" "HE had a support system. I have nothing." Amelia interupted Adrien gave Amelia a wide grin. "Well that's not true at all! For one you got me now! Secondly I know someone that would be more than happy to help, if not more than that! Hate to break it to you Amelia, but starting today you just got that support system you've been needing, so let's try this again. What is your dream Amelia?" At this point Adrien wasn't going to take no for an answer. Whether she liked it or not, she had his support now. "You think a bunch of people they don't know or acknowledge are going to change anything?" Amelia asked Adrien chuckled. "What they don't know, won't hurt them, right?" Adrien then winked at Amelia. "... I just want to be free. I want to leave my life behind." Amelia said, putting her head in her hands. "But I lack the strength to do so." "Hey Adrien! I finally found you!" A girl with a heavy French accent called out suddenly walking up to the pair. Adrien smiled still looking at Amelia. "Well this was unexpected. Amelia, I'd like you to meet my sister, Cécile." Adrien turned smirking a bit as his sister walked up to them. "And Cécile, I'd like you to meet Amelia." Cécile giggled and then smiled. "I didn't realize you were with someone, my apologies Miss Amelia." Joked a bit. "It's a pleasure to meet you though!" "Uh huh." Amelia said, not really paying attention. Cécile tilted her head and then poked Amelia on the nose randomly and without saying a word. "What?" Amelia asked, looking up. Cécile had leaned down so she was right in front of Amelia's face. "What's got you all down?" Cécile clearly being the more assertive of the siblings already took point while Adrien stood in the background smirking and shaking his head. "What's it to you?" Amelia asked Cécile poked Amelia in the forehead this time before reaching into her secondary card holder and dug out a card. "You know, it's a bit rude to act that way to someone who wants to be a friend, plus if he's sticking around it means I gotta show up and actually help out when needed. Unless he became better at the whole pep talk thing when I wasn't looking?" Cécile asked teasingly as she offered Amelia a card. "I'm not going to take a card for free. I need to earn it." Amelia said Cécile grinned at that. "Excellent idea! I'll accept your challenge!" Cécile jumped back as her custom duel disk activate and unfolded and spread it's wings. "How about this, if you damage me once, whether you win or not, the card is yours?" Cécile offered, though it was a bit implied that it was being forced on Amelia. "No. Win or lose determines it all. And if you hold back, you win automatically." Amelia said, activating her duel disk. "Hmmm if that's the case, then how about this. I win then you..." Cécile pondered for a moment. "You have to drop this little routine of yours and let me help you out, if you win the card is all yours?" Cécile offered as she drew her first five cards. [hider=New Blood vs Tag Team Champ member 2] "Sure." Amelia said, drawing her five. She wasn't going to use Psychics this time. She would use her other deck. "I set one monster and end my turn." Cécile drew her card and smiled. "Interesting start. A bit defensive, but we can see how well it turns out for you. First of all I'll start this turn off by summoning a classic starter, my Black Stone of Legend." The black shimmering rock appeared before her. "Next it's lovely ability allows me to sacrifice it so that I can summon my Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Cécile raised her hand out in front of her as the dragon rose up and roared at Amelia. "Now let's find out what's behind door number one, destroy her set monster Red-Eyes!" Amelia watched as her facedown was destroyed and she sent it to the graveyard. "When Gulldo is destroyed, I can special summon a level 2 or lower Gusto monster. I summon Gusto Egul from my deck in defense mode." Amelia said, as a small bird appeared on her field. "Awww how sweet." Cécile giggled. "In that case I'll set two cards, and then I'll call it a turn." "Draw. I set another monster face down along with another card and end my turn." Amelia said Cécile raised an eyebrow. "You know you have to attack to win right Amelia?" "Depends." Amelia said. "It's your move though." Cécile shrugged. "True. I think I'll set a monster of my own. And then I'll have my Red-Eyes attack that set monster of yours!" Cécile smirked as the set monster raised up and shattered into oblivion. "Well looks like that one didn't help you much. Let's see what you got Amelia!" Amelia drew her card. "I summon Pilica, Descendant of Gusto in attack mode. With her effect, I summon Gulldo from my grave. Then I tune Gulldo with Pilica to Synchro Summon Diagusto Sphreez." She said. Unlike her last Synchro summons, this time a tornado surrounded her monsters and when it vanished, a young woman with while green hair was crouched on her field." Due to Sphreez's effect, I add Caam back to my hand from the grave. I end my turn." "Oh so you like to Synchro summon? Your my kind a person then Amelia, let's see if I can't spice it up in here then! I'll draw." Cécile looked at her and and smiled. "Looks like we'll have to hold off on me synchro summoning this turn, but trust me...By the end of this duel you won't be disappointed. I'll place one card face down, and I believe that'll do it for now, so show me what you got Amelia." "I draw. I summon Caam, Serenity of Gusto in attack mode. then I'll use her effect to send Gulldo and Pilica from the grave to the deck and draw one card. I set two card face-down and call it a day." Cécile shook her head. "You know, I was trying to be nice by letting you attack first, but I suppose if you don't hurry up I'll have to attack first instead you know? I'll draw." Cécile looked over her hand and smiled softly. "First I think I'll summon my Blizzard Dragon then I'll let him show your Caam a cool time by freezing her over preventing her from attacking next turn." Cécile smirked as the dragon froze over Amelia's monster. "If you don't attack this turn I might just have to say screw it and attack you know? Your move." "Draw. I activate Mystical Space Typhoon and destroy your face-down on the right." Amelia said Cécile frowned as the trap blew up and shattered. "Well that wasn't the nicest thing to do, but fine. I can live without it, especially with the way your going about this." Amelia shrugged and switched Egul to attack mode "It's your win then. I end my turn." She said "Oh? Now tat's a little too...Oh what's the word...Sad? In any event, I hope that isn't the case. I was wanting to show you a bit more of my ability. Oh well." Cécile drew her card and smiled. "Well at least we can end this with a bang. First off I'll place two more cards face down, then I'll summon my Red-Eyes Tracer Dragon." The small and scrawny Red-Eyes Tracer appeared. "Next I'll reveal my set monster, Dread Dragon. Now I'll tune my two level four dragons with my level two Dread Dragon." Cécile paused for a moment as the monsters began to transform. "Now behold, the mighty Trident Dragon!" The mighty dragon came out in a burst of fire causing the air to waver from the heat itself. Amelia had to fight against the heat wave, barely managing to keep on her feet but having to fall to one knee. "Now when I summon this monster I can destroy up to two of my own cards, and it gains an additional attack for each card I destroy. I think I'll choose my Red-Eyes Black Dragon, and how about one of my face downs." The fire around Trident Dragon intensified heavily for each card destroyed. "Now you asked me to not hold back, which means I don't plan on letting you survive this turn if I can help it Amelia, it's nothing personal ya know?" "I know. It's just a game right?" Amelia said, looking up at the dragon "So they say anyway. Now unfortunately this means we have a small problem. You see I have a certain fondness, it's a bad habit really. Care to venture what that might be?" Cécile ask in almost a quiz format. "Nope. Don't care." Amelia said." Just waiting for the inevitable." "See now that's just no fun Amelia! We gotta work on that personality of yours! Seriously Amelia. You gotta have more fun with this, but anyway. I have this thing for finishing off my opponents with a direct attack. Can you take a guess at what the problem here is?" Cécile continued. "I have three monster. You only have three attacks." Amelia said. "So I assume you're going to use a spell or trap now?" "Correct!" Cécile said cheerfully. "Care to take a guess at which one?" "No." Amelia said, guessing that this was not her day. Cécile sighed. "Yep definitely going to have to work on that part...In any event I'll just show you! First I'll activate Compulsory Evacuation Device! This will let me send any monster we have out right now back to the hand, and I think I'll choose...Your own sychro monster, I do have a spot for synchros in my heart so I suppose I should spare that one." Amelia watched as Sphreeze vanished from her field, sighing. "Maybe I'm not cut out for this game." She muttered to herself Cécile sighed sympathetically. "Hey Amelia. I'm guessing Adrien neglected to tell you about our careers back in France?..." "I know about them. Tag team champs." Amelia said "Then why do you look so sad if you knew what you were up against?" Cécile now let her curiosity get the better of her in the middle of the duel. "Just continue. You have a game to win." Amelia said. Cécile frowned. "With that attitude I'm half tempted to forfeit...Why do you have to be so closed off Amelia? I just wanna help you know?" "Win and I'll tell you." Amelia said Cécile rolled her eyes. "Fine, now Trident Dragon show her why you're one of my all time favorites, destroy all her monsters starting from left to right and go for her life points!" Amelia watched as the Dragon's headed reared back and fired at her. However, the first attack, aimed at Egul, was blocked. "Draining Shield. Now I nullify your attack and gain lifepoints equal to your Dragon's attack points." She said. "I still have two more attacks, now let's try this again. Destroy her Egul Trident Dragon!" Cécile repeated. Amelia held her ground as her lifepoints dropped to 4200 and Egul was then replaced with a young girl. "Equl's effect allows me to summon a monster when it's destroyed by battle. I summon Winda, Priestess of Gusto." She said "Cute, now Trident Dragon Destroy Caam!" Cécile retorted. Amelia's lifepoints dropped to 2900, but she was still standing after that brutal series of attacks with one monster on her field in defense. Cécile smirked. "I'm glad you're fighting to stay alive, now I'll activate Red-Eyes Spirit!" The trap card rose up. "This will bring back an old friend, now welcome back my Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Cécile raised her arm up as the mighty dragon returned. "Now Red-Eyes show Winda why your also in my top list of dragons!" Winda was destroyed in a ball of fire, but a tiny bird, Gulldo this time, took her place. "That'll about do it for me this turn." Cécile cheerfully responded. Amelia drew her card. "I set one monster and one card Face-down and call it a turn for now." She said, praying beyond a hope that should would last long enough to draw the monster she needed. Then again. Cécile drew her card and frowned slightly. "Not what I was hoping for, but it'll do. I'll set one card face down, and now Red-Eyes destroy her set monster!" Amelia watched as another Egul was Destroyed "With Egul, I Summon Gusto Pilica from my deck. Then with her effect, I summon Gulldo but it's effects are negated." She said as the little girl and the tiny bird appeared on her field. Cécile sighed. "Well that gets a bit redundant. In that case Trident Dragon attack her Pilica, hopefully then I won't have to deal with another defense..." Cécile said doubtfully. The little girl went out like in a blaze but Amelia wasn't that surprised at this point. She looked at her graveyard. [i]Caam, Pilica, Egul, and Winda... I can win this.[/i] She thought to herself Cécile smirked as she folded her arms. "Hey Amelia, just thought you should know, I win on my next turn." "Maybe. During your end phase I activate a trap: Blessings for Gusto." she declared, opening the card. "Since I have three or more Gustos in my grave, I can target three of them Two go to my deck and the third is special summoned. I return Winda and Caam to summon Pilica, but her effect can't be used again." At this point Cécile rolled her eyes. This had gotten a bit redundant. Amelia smiled and drew her next card. "I'm sure you remember this. I tune Gulldo and Pillica to summon Sphreez. Then with Sphreez, I add Egul from my grave to my hand. But now I activate another trap: Whirlwind of Gusto, which will prevent you from activating anything when I declare an attack this turn." Cécile smirked "Well that's a shame then, Too bad that won't save you from this card." Cécile stretched out her arm as the card slowly came up. "I was hoping to not use this considering I have to sacrifice one of these two beautiful dragons, but it has to be done...I reveal Burst Breath! This means that by sacrificing my Red-Eyes Black Dragon [i]all[/i] monsters on the field with defense less than my Red-Eyes attack automatically be destroyed. Unfortunately for you my Trident Dragon has twenty-eight hundred defense so he'll be sticking around." Cécile gave a sympathetic smile as the field wiped clear of every other monster in a blaze of glory. Amelia's eyes suddenly turned cold. "Spare me your false sympathy." she said, her tone like a sharp blade of ice. "I activate Contract with Gusto to return Gulldo and Pilica to the deck and destroy your remaining face-down card." Cécile narrowed her eyes a bit as her face down exploded. "I set Egul face-down and end my turn." Amelia said Suddenly Cécile's eyes widened a bit as she drew her next card. She'd wanted to use this card for so long. Not for any good particular reason, but just because of how it looked. "Now I'm going to equip my Trident Dragon with a card I've wanted to play for a long time now, Silver Wing!" A single silver wing grew around one of Trident Dragon's actual wings. "Next, I'll have Trident Dragon attack your set monster!" Egul died, Winda took it's place. Strong defense again. "My turn yet?" Amelia asked" Or are you going to keep trying to show off?" Cécile chuckled. "Oh trust me, if I wanted to truly show off, you'd know it. But sure go ahead and make your move!" Amelia drew her next card. "I set one monster and one face-down and end my turn." She said "And here we go again. It is cute I suppose." Cécile offered. "Now then let's see what I draw this time." Cécile drew without taking her eyes off of Amelia. "Next I'll activate Black Stone's ability from the grave to bring it back to my hand and put my Red-Eyes back into the deck. Next I'll summon my Red-Eyes Wyvern to the field in attack mode and that'll be the end of this one..." "Shame. Draw. I summon Pilica, who summons Egul from the grave and... well you know. My face-down was Gulldo, which brings out Sphreez, which'll let me add Guldo to my hand." Amelia said as a familiar process repeated." Now, let's see, my monsters have... 1000, 200, and 2000 attack points... I can beat you this turn." "Oh yeah? Let's see what you got." Cécile kept smirking at Amelia. "I switch Winda to attack mode then attack Trident Dragion with Egul." Amelia said, as the small bird with a mere 200 attack points flew towards the giant dragon, a difference that would leave Amelia with only 100 lifepoints Cécile blinked a couple of times unimpressed. "I hope something impressive is about to happen, I really do..." Trident Dragon launched a stream of fire at the monster in the process. The stream of fire went straight for Amelia before Sphreez got in the way. The next thing Cecile would know, the stream would fly at her and deal the damage Amelia would've taken to her lifepoints instead. A smirk appeared on Cécile's face as her life points dropped. "See now that's more like it." Amelia frowned. "You're holding back now." She said Cécile shrugged. ""What makes you say that? You can clearly see one of my most famed monsters infront of you, and not just that I've played several of my other good cards." "You're smirking, which means something is going your way. I've noticed you two only smirk when you're getting what you want." Amelia replied "But of course, but what is it that I want? That's the more fun question now isn't it!" Cécile said cheerfully. Amelia simply frowned. "Egul summons another Winda due to his destruction and that Winda will attack your Trident Dragion." She said Cécile watched as her Trident Dragon repeated the last sequence. "And I win." Amelia said as Sphreez reflected the attack and dealt the 2000 damage Amelia would've taken from the attack over to Cecile. [/hider] As the monsters faded Cécile smiled and walked over to Amelia. "Not bad Amelia, that was actually pretty good." Cécile offered the card to Amelia that she had won. "I believe this belongs to you now." "We'll see." Amelia said, looking at the card to see what it was. Frowning she shook her head. "Not interested." Cécile closed her eyes and giggled. "It's not like you have to use it. It's more of a sentimental gift. It's the meaning behind it, not the card itself silly. This is the card that gave me hope as a duelist, and I want to pass it on to you now Amelia." Cécile slowly opened her eyes smiling at the young girl. Amelia took the card and looked at it thoughtfully. "Thank you... are you sure you want to give me something you value so much though?" She asked Cécile giggled cheerfully. "Of course. Just make sure you take good care of it." Amelia didn't reply as she put the card in a pocket were it was unlikely to get bent or damaged. She then looked between the siblings "What now?" Adrien smiled. "Well now you're going to tag along with Cécile, because I need to go deal with more people for this tournament. Judging by her attitude she isn't in this one to win it." Cécile in return laughed a bit embarrassed as she responded. "Haha, yeah, you caught me." Adrien rolled his eyes. "Why you do this sometimes I'll never understand. We'll do the usual then afterwards?" Cécile smirked and nodded as she also responded. "If it's really a custom, I think the synchro idea would be best though if you win." Adrien nodded as he walked off. Cécile smiled and giggled once more. "Now Amelia! Let's get our show on the road too, what do ya say?" Cécile asked kindly. Amelia frowned as she looked over at Cecile "Why are you so mean in a duel but so kind outside of one?" She asked Cécile blinked a few times a bit confused. "Am I really that bad in a duel? I mean I know I can get a bit harsh, and cruel, and a bit over the top...Okay so I might be pretty bad, but I dunno. I just connect with my monsters, and I just really get into the whole thing, I'm not sure how to really explain it." Cécile attempted to explain, hoping to have made at least slight progress. Amelia frowned but otherwise didn't pursue the topic. She looked around as her stomach grumbled, causing her face to go a bit red. Cécile giggled a bit at Amelia's embarrassed look. "Come on, let's go get you some food before we go and do anything else."