[Center][b]Ayano Wakahisa: [color=fff200]Warakuma High[/color][/b][/center] [Center][b] Friday, May 15th[/b][/Center] The day finally ended and Ayano couldn't help but sigh, she leaned back on her seat and stretched her arms. Today was a pretty hectic day, but she managed to pull through the lectures, well most of them anyway...Physics and Mathematics in general is still going to be a pain. But now, things are going to be a breeze! She hopes. With the school day over and studying being the least of her worries for now, the girl decided to lay it low in the meantime and hang in the Anime and Manga club, she has received word that Akane's back in action. Her mind drifting to the unusual case, Ayano couldn't help but dabble into their strange choice of victims yet again, and how do these victims end up being saved after a few days, too? Could it be that there was some sort of group dedicated to saving and/or taking out this cult? Nah, the girl must be overthinking things again...Sleeping late because of video games does things to you...Shrugging off the thoughts, she walked on over to the club room. Before she could enter, that big guy that keeps hanging with Akane crossed paths with her, Alexei was it? [b][i][color=007236]"Just what sort of relationship do these two have?"[/color][/i][/b] She thought to herself, they do seem pretty close. Shrugging to herself, the girl continued on to the club room, opening the door and entering...Seeing that Ryan and Akane had already beaten her here. So much for alone time. Grabbing a nearby chair, Ayano began to sit down, observing her surroundings for a while. Ryan was reading [i]Fullmetal Alchemist[/i], not a bad read per se...Her attention diverting to Akane, Ayano grasped the opportunity to ask her some questions regarding her disappearance, besides she was just as every bit concerned about her as with everyone else, even if it didn't really show. [b][i][color=007236]"So...Akane, what happened? You're fine, right? Don't feel anything abnormal?"[/color][/i][/b]