[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Star Drop Cafe || May 15 FRI: After School[/h3] Once the other student responded positively to her offer, Shizu shoved the English notes and text book atop the table closer to her side. [color=violet]"I apologize for the slight mess, senpai. I've been skimming through my notes for an exam I'm nervous for, you see,"[/color] she casually stated, before turning her attention back to the upperclassman. Slightly embarrassed at his mention of her slip out of habit, light rose hue tinted her cheeks. [color=violet]"Pa-Pardon me for that, it just... Feels natural for me to react in such way in this environment. But oh no, this set of uniform is another one of my creations, actually."[/color] Speaking of which, the violet haired girl had been reminded of something and started to rummage through her bag. What came out of her bag, once she had located the whereabouts of the items, were pieces of paper with rough sketches drawn on them. With an excited expression upon her features, Shizu slid them over to Rui's side of the table and began, [color=violet]"Shinichi-senpai, please take a glance at these after you've placed your order. I sketched these during my free time, but I'm not exactly sure what sort of style you preferred so I drew what I believed might suit your features."[/color] On them were several faceless figures with outfits that ranged from long coats to suits to turtle neck jackets that were far too unique to be called [i]casual[/i] wear. If one knew enough, they would instantly get the impression that these were sketched with cosplay outfit in mind. Even so, the details of each color, specific features/handling, fabric quality and such were written in an informative manner on each design, as if they were carefully thought of. [color=violet]"I do hope they're not distasteful by your standards."[/color]