[center][h3]Star Drop Cafe 15/5/2015 Friday[/h3][/center] [color=slategray]"Hm...? 'My' features...?"[/color], he was surprised she would do such a thing, but it was related to him, so he just had to see. As she handed the drawings to him, he began to look and shuffle through them. He went silent for awhile, looking at the meticulous detail. He was an artist himself, but he never really thought about clothes in this manner and depth, so it impressed him. [color=slategray]"These look pretty cool"[/color], he finally said. [color=slategray]"But... What are they? Costumes? Fashion design?"[/color], he would assume costumes... But then some of these seemed normal and stylish, but others looked suitable to be in a video game or anime. He waited for the girl to answer his question as he shuffled through them again. He realized he should probably order something soon, but he'd decided on his order already. Probably the Zaku Cake with a ramune or something.