[h1]Warakuma High // After School[/h1] With the mid-terms coming, the school's atmosphere was somewhat tense, with students stressing over their grades and making up for lost time by burying themselves in their books. Jun, on the other hand, had always been on top of her schoolwork and so kept rather calm about the whole matter. Admittedly, she studied hard only so she could justify spending way too much time away from home, usually flirting with a girl somewhere. If she kept up her grades, that was just one less excuse to be used against her. The best way of internalising one's knowledge was to pass it on to others, and in the process of teaching reinforce the information learnt. So Jun was actually hanging out with her classmates for once, helping them cover the material they were revising by coaching them along. In her usual fashion, however, these classmates were all girls and being subject to her usual charm. She toned it down somewhat, since her reputation in school wasn't the greatest, and any overt flirting was likely to just fuel the degenerate rumours even more. "You missed the negative sign here, that's why your answer is a negative number instead of positive." Jun explained, pointing to the part in the working where the mistake had been made. "It's little details like that are important, like the rose scent from the shampoo you used this morning." There was a few giggles at the joke, and Jun drew a blush from the girl before they all returned to their work. Well, the girls did. Jun had done all the questions in the workbook at least twice over and was simply going through her own notes. She didn't like being disrupted by questions in the middle of solving problems anyway, something her kendo training had drilled into her. An hour later, Jun was done helping her classmates and simply walked through the school aimlessly, taking her time on the way to the main entrance. Her path just happened to cross outside the Manga Club's clubroom, and the sign reminded her that she had been meaning to return a book she had borrowed from one of the club members. She knocked on the door before opening it, and noticed familiar faces inside. "Ah, Hanekawa-san, you're back?" She hadn't been to the kendo club at all recently, and so had no chance to cross paths with Akane. "Well, I just came to return a manga I borrowed from someone in the club. I'll just leave it here."