[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Star Drop Cafe || May 15 FRI: After School[/h3] [color=violet]"Yes, I designed them with you in mind since you've accepted my little proposal the last time we've met,"[/color] Shizu explains with her gaze intently focused onto the male in front of her. Waiting nervously in the silence, she fidgeted in her seat as her eyes watched the sketches being looked through by the upperclassman. What broke the silence before Rui did was the girl, who was responsible for the sketches, reasoning out in case of dissatisfaction from him, [color=violet]"Um... I understand if they don't suit to your tastes. This is the first time I've designed clothes for someone el-- Oh! Really? I'm truly glad you think so, thank you!"[/color] Instead of earning a negative response, the expression of the girl in school uniform brightened at the positive reaction given with an upward curve upon her lips. The question she was asked next was expected as she parted her lips to answer, [color=violet]"Well, I originally intended the designs to be of costume type but some of them are trendy enough to be worn on casual occasions. At least, that's what I believe."[/color] Tearing a piece of paper from her notepad, she scribbled an address on it before passing it over to Rui. [color=violet]"If you're interested in having them made, please drop by this tailoring shop and ask for me, Shizu. My household is at a walking distance away so it'll be no problem."[/color] While she didn't mention it to the other student, it was one of the tailoring shops that her mother owns. Concealing her identity from the upperclassman was to be kept in tact, after all. While they discussed about the sketches made by Shizu, her orders arrived and were placed in front of her. Kenji, who brought her cake and tea remained by their side in case Rui was ready to order. [color=violet]"Thank you Kenji-san. Shinichi-senpai, you may order when you've already something in mind," [/color] she suggested as her hand lifted the glass of cold green tea from atop the table and took a sip from the straw.