[center][h3]Star Drop Cafe 15/5/2015 Friday[/h3][/center] [color=slategray]"Yeah, I think they'd be stylish"[/color], maybe he could wear these during dungeon visits... He wonders if Kazuki would allow such a thing though, he didn't seem the type to allow it. She gave him her address though, right of course, they still need to take measurements. In any case he turned back to Shizuka, it was time he made his order. The rest of the day went by quickly. Occasionally he gave Shizuka a bit of help, but otherwise once he had finished eating he hung around for ten or so minutes before leaving and bidding Shizuka good luck with the midterms. [hr] [center][h3]Warakuma High 18/5/2015 Monday[/h3][/center] TRACK: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbDkfG56Jbk]During the Test[/url] It was the first day of the midterms. They were set to end on Friday on the 22nd, and results posted next week on Monday. As Rui sat down for his test and waited, he was confident he was able to tackle most if not all the material properly. His mind hadn't wavered, and unlike the city, there weren't enough distractions to keep him from studying when he needed to... Soon the test began. [center][h3]Warakuma High 22/5/2015 Friday[/h3][/center] TRACK: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbDkfG56Jbk]During the Test[/url] Each day, students went to school, took their exams for a few hours, then left. It was a fairly standard procedure. As a result, school was always let out very early, but no one was up for clubs or hanging out, because the next day would be immediately followed by another test from a different subject. At the very least the students knew which was next. Rui's pen couldn't stop moving as he blazed through the last day of tests. He was fairly confident in what his end result might be. [hr] [center][h3]Warakuma High - After School 23/5/2015 Saturday[/h3][/center] Rui could hear the groans and sighs of relief as they finally reached the weekend. Saturday like every week was a half-day, but considering exams just ended, they were let out even earlier than usual, so it was lunch time, or should be. It was time for the students to await their exam results. Saturday and Sunday was now to be spent in anxiety or relaxation, depending on the person. Rui was going to relax though... Maybe he should go to the arcade again. Ever since midterms he hadn't had a chance to go there... Or maybe go to a club? Nah... They shouldn't be active at all at the moment... In any case, what was he to do today... He watched out for anyone he knew on his way off campus.