[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Star Drop Cafe || May 15 FRI: After School[/h3] Chuckling softly at the other's comment, Shizu added to keep his interest, [color=violet]"For accepting my offer to become my model for these designs, I'll be willing to tailor one costume absolutely free of charge! It'd be a gift of sorts from me."[/color] Truthfully, it brought joy to the seamstress at the thought of someone wearing her handiwork that she didn't really mind so much about the cost. In fact, she planned to only charge for the fabrics and materials used if her client was a friend. It wasn't like she was a professional yet anyway. Labor charge didn't matter all that much to her, due to the fact that she enjoyed customizing all these costumes. While she didn't expect to be assisted for the midterms by another upperclassman, Rui taught her what he knew about the subject she was studying for, English. What gave her most trouble was in the pronunciation of words where the help from the upperclassman came in, carefully pronouncing each words before Shizu attempted to follow. It took awhile for her to sound a little less unnatural but at least the results were showing. As the little tutorial came to a close, the male bid farewell and a good luck to which she returned back to him with a sincere smile and a bow of gratitude for the assistance. Not too long after his leave, Shizu left the cafe with a few goodbyes to her manager and co workers. [hr][h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Otonashi Residence || May 23 SAT: After School[/h3] [color=violet]"Phew..."[/color] [i]Thud.[/i] A relieved sigh escaped the girl's lips as she fell backwards onto her soft, comfy bed. After the exams were over, Shizuka immediately made her way home after a few casual exchanges between her friends about how the exam went for each of them. As usual, Rinko dreaded the inevitable, terrible result that she will receive next week while Nozomi was as confident as Shizuka in terms of passing. From the help of her upperclassmen from the previous weeks, the exams were not as difficult as they used to be thanks to their understandable explanations. Staring up at the empty ceiling of her room, she wondered for a moment on what she could do with the rest of the day. A little moment of thinking later, Shizuka lifted herself off her bed to grab a lavender PSP from within the closet. [color=violet]"Otome games it is!"[/color] [i]Click.[/i]