[b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School | Saturday, May 23 2015 - After School[/b] Kotori quickly finished up her correction on one of the questions she'd already answered; noticing on a second pass that she'd made the same little mistake that she always did when she'd been practising at home or at the library. Rather than be glad about it though, it served more to make her nervous - it wasn't the first silly little mistake she'd caught barely in the nick of time; leaving her to fear that she might have missed others too. Unfortunately, there was no more time to check as the teacher announced that time was up and the papers were to be passed forwards. Sitting in the second row from the front, Kotori handed quite a few papers, together with her own, to her front-most seated classmate as before breathing a small, inaudible sigh. Whilst she'd kept up her studies and note-keeping all throughout the school term and seemed to be able to answer the questions reasonably quickly and proficiently, she still couldn't shake that nagging feeling that she might have made some mistakes - like on that math question, or the translation, or... Shaking her head, Kotori decided to put those thoughts aside - or at least, try to - as she instead packed her writing utensils together before slinging her bag over her shoulder as she stood up. Looking about, there were a variety of reactions to the end of the midterms - some were looking hopeful, others a little apprehensive; some seemed rather cheerful in a 'out of sight, out of mind' kind of way and the occasional few had the unmistakable dread at the upcoming results written all over their faces. Nonetheless, most were at least in some way happy that it was over and that the rest of the day could be spent however they wished; a few already discussing plans for this day or the next among themselves. Having made no plans for herself nor any scheduled meetings in the agriculture club keeping her at school, Kotori headed out of the classroom - for once with the majority of her classmates rather than after them - whilst pondering what to do with the day. Her mother had insisted that she focus solely on her studies and thus had no shopping duties or store tending to do the whole week - though she did feel a little guilty about it, Kotori was thankful as she had been able to review the upcoming material each day. Still, it did leave her with little else to do now that the midterms were over so that she mulled over her options whilst walking through the hallways down to the main entrance. Glancing at her watch, she saw that it was around lunchtime - the school day had ended rather earlier than usual thanks to the midterms. Having arrived at the main entrance, Kotori stood beside it as she mused on her next course of action - should she head straight home and prepare something for lunch or rather get something to eat in town?