[center][h3]Otonashi Tailors - After School
23/5/2015 Saturday[/h3][/center]

The way she said that made this a very different experience than getting someone's measurements should be. He straightened up, either fearing she can somehow mess up, or just out of nervousness.

[color=slategray]"If you say it like that, you'll make me nervous too..."[/color], he responded. As she took his measurements though, she was quite good, she didn't miss a beat, and it was quite quick. She was silent the whole way though, likely out of her own nervousness. After the measurements were taken and they had a moment to recompose, they talked about the designs she finished up. After awhile the time passed and the shop's closing time came, so Rui had to leave.

>You felt a little closer to Shizu...

[color=slategray]"Alright, I'll see you again another time, I look forward to see how it turns out"[/color], he said, before disappearing into the street.


[center][h3]Warakuma High - Morning
25/5/2015 Monday[/h3][/center]

There was a fuss around the noticeboard. It seems the exam results had come in. They were organized by class and placements. The placements were only outlined for the top ten though. It seems Rui managed to make it to the top ten. Already everyone who made it there was given looks and talked about for awhile. Though Kotori who was also in his year was the only one out of all the years to have a perfect 1st place... He also saw Noboru barely managed the pass mark at 60.

Score out of 100

1 - 1
Gen 98 [1st]
Ryan 79
Shizuka 78
Chiaki 70

2 - 1
Rui 98 [3rd]
Leiko 95 [4th]
Saya (NPC) 85
Noboru 60

2 - 2
Kotori 100 [1st]
Masahide 99 [2nd]
Mako 93 [5th]
Akane 77

3 - 1
Ayano 99 [1st]
Jun 81
Aiko and Akari (NPC) 75 and 76
Mika (NPC) 73
Seighardt 71
Tanaka 68

3 - 2
Rokuro (NPC) 82
Akira (NPC) 80
Michiko (NPC) 77
Kami (NPC) 73

3 - 3
Sato 97 [2nd]
Inoue (NPC) 84 
Matthew 72
Alexei 86
Sagat (NPC) 64
