Aulfr was discussing the possible setting up of a trade route to ship in more spiced cider and perhaps the tales of some new weapon in the distant seas when he heard the doors open and close again. Glancing up from his discussion between his father, two Jarls, and himself, he caught Aleksandra walk in. Immediately, he turned his attention back on their conversation- before what he just saw registered, and he looked up, staring. The other three nobles glanced as well, and stared in the same way as he did. Unlike Aulfr, though, they were staring with more open admiration, and less honorable emotions, while the Oberjarl attempted some amount of professionalism. Aulfr stared with a deeper, more piercing gaze, eyebrows lowered into a more contemplative expression. He was trying to figure out why the sudden change. Combat wear, if pleasing to the eye, for the past feasts, and then she suddenly decides to dress up? He couldn't tell if she was trying to impress him after the how they keep waking up (and neither of them trying to separate from the other very quickly, nor sleeping elsewhere), or maybe if she was trying to get people more focused on her and less off of him. Either way, all his watchers, admirers, and stalkers turned towards what captured their target's interest so much, and so eventually, the majority of the room was admiring, leering, or glaring at Aulfr's escort, now standing at his elbow. So with a smile that he didn't really need to force very much, he greeted her, flicking his eyes up and down her and her curves, and welcomed her to the feast. Pale skin combined with a dress that hugged the curves and left little to imagination, combined with her scars? It was, compared to what was offered in Noxus, exotic, since she was Ardanian and had such smooth pale skin, and tough, as shown by her scars, which would only make her more attractive to a Noxan, and her grace was that of an elegant warrior's. No wonder the entire room was staring at her, if out of the corner of their eyes. Conversations slowly started up again, though it could be noted that now, the majority of the people who originally had their back to the front now weren't, keeping very careful eyes watching Aulfr and his pretty. Aulfr was starting to feel like maybe, this little stunt that Aleksandra pulled would give a great, great boost to his and her reputation and political influence. Then a group of three- three whom he had mentally dubbed, "The Big Three" due to their extensive power, wealth, and influence among other Jarls, mostly loyal to the Oberjarl- approached the table. Welcoming them, Aulfr asked what they wanted- and was cut off as the smartest, smallest of the three (still about as large as the bigger Xhangs) stepped forward, interrupting. "With all due respect, Aulfr Volsung, I would like a demonstration of the control you have over your new pet. We have heard disturbing rumors, and wish nothing more than to... dispel them." Aulfr readily replied, "Why of course, Jarl Ylred, it's your right to ensure the safety of you, yours, and your [i]superiors.[/i]" The man's small smile suddenly got a whole lot colder. "Yes... of course." "Would you like me to beat her, publicly? I know that the last couple demonstrations against those who have spoken out against her must have been very [i]frightening[/i] for those of you who might disagree with the new things I'm bringing in. I assure you, I am her better-" "No, that would not be necessary, Aulfr [i]Volsung.[/i] Rather, we want you to kiss her. If you've got her under as tight of a leash as you might think, surely it wouldn't be too hard?" The man smiled at the suddenly-very-frozen Aulfr. Aulfr turned slowly to Aleksandra, smile frozen on place. He was like so both out of some amount of dread, and out of excitement and anticipation and nervousness. He couldn't say that he hadn't imagined kissing her before- he'd never admit to it, even though even the women in the room probably had. He stared at her for a moment, before waving her over. Like an obedient servant, she did so, stepping well within reach, impassive as a snake. Or as impassive as a potato- they're both pretty damn intimidating anyhow, even when impassive. And, because she was just so damned short, he had to lean down to reach her, face-to-face. His right hand came up to brush aside some of the hair falling over her face, hand coming to rest to cup her cheek, fingers splayed, thumb aligned with the edge of her jawbone. And then he kissed her, those inexplicably soft lips, remaining just as impassive as she was, even so far as wiping out any glints in his eyes- he may have hated it, he may have loved it, for all his audience knew. But, since his right hand was hidden from the crowd because of his left shoulder and her right shoulder facing the crowd, he couldn't help but reach up a bit with his thumb, and brush against the side of her mouth an instant before he pulled away. He'd never admit that he enjoyed it. Dropping his right hand, and turning back to the crowd, he demanded, "And is there anything else you require, Jarl? Have I put your dear, dear mind at ease, yes?" The man gave a slight head-bow, replying somewhat mutedly, "My fears have been soothed, m'Lord, of course." He caught the hint of a glare on the man's impassive face, as himself and the Big Three stepped away, and went back to their conversations. The suddenly-quiet room just as suddenly burst into conversation again, eager to act as if the entire room hadn't just watched.