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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emi Sugihara

Ms. Shiba had announced that they were leaving and then she and Hisoka had an exchange about housemates and such as they reached the bus. So Emi was going to have a housemate, huh? If it was Kaya she could probably live with that. As long as it wasn't the ice queen herself she should be fine actually. What was her name again? Kireina? That sounded about right.

The entire living arrangements in itself was interesting. They were given houses between the two of them and food and money as well. Did the two living together have to share the money though? Well, she'll find out later.

For now, she was more concerned about who she was going to be living with. It was almost a matter of life and death. "Please... please... be someone normal and decent..." she prayed silently to herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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She looks to Ms Shiba and sigh as she rolls her eyes. She pulls a notepad out from witin her luggage and makes a sign which reads "Hello Everyone, My name is Milly, and my element is indeed Blood like Sir Hisoka has figured"

She then walks over to Ms Shiba and hands her the sign for her to read out loud
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Koken remained sitting on her suitcase, putting her earphones in just before she felt a chill which made her straighten her back immediately. Another aura pressure. "A-A-AWWW SON OF A BI-- oooo this feels pretty nice actually," Koken expressed loudly, going from irritated to comfortable just like that. Koken got cozy in her seat; the chill made a nice cool down from the earlier heated aura pressure, so it was actually kind of convenient. Koken glanced at Kireina, figuring it had to be from her thanks to Hisoka listing it all off earlier. Koken would have actually never figured someone else would release their aura pressure, and it actually even tempted Koken to do so herself even more. But in the back of her mind her subconscious kept telling her to not to, to save it for later. It seemed more right that way, per say.

Koken stuffed the last of that chocolate bar into her mouth just before standing up; it was finally time to take off. Finally. It wasn't expressed, but Koken was eager by the second. It had just been waiting, then waiting, then more waiting, and now more waiting was about to happen but that's not the point. They were getting closer and closer to the big climax, and it was about time. Koken followed the group to the bus; on the way she listened in on the conversation between Hisoka and Ms. Shiba as the topic intrigued her. She had her earphones on, but the earphones weren't plugged into anything as they were just sitting in her hoodie pockets. She kinda forgot to plug it into something. Somehow. Who knows. Aside from that, the fact that a roommate was going to be chosen for everyone had just been learnt. ...Eh. Koken honestly doesn't have a preference on who she lives with. Just as long as they were tolerable. Well, that is if she knocks on wood first. But now her mind was on a curious set of who her housemate would or could be while slowly and naturally glancing around at the people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Djura got up and followed Ms. Shiba and the rest of the students to the bus. He thought about the house he'd be sharing, of course there was already about one person he wouldn't really want to be paired with but otherwise there wasn't really anyone he preferred. He took a seat and waited a bit anxiously to see who he'd be sharing with. at least it could start a friendship...right? well, at least hopefully...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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BytheSpleen ...but no cigar.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Kaya Mishiba

Whereas most of the other students had quickly and punctually lined up, Kaya simply sauntered her way over. A cool lump in her gut told her that cooperation was going to be something to work at, as opposed to a natural, social occurrence.

Then again, she flopped on the casual tone and sounded artificial. Her fault, wasn't it?

Now, between all the students, there was only one she wanted to avoid, and it wasn't Hisako. Hell no, she'd take that incessant Bic-lighter over that ice-brat any day. If she could still gamble, she'd put an all-in on her; she was probably some crazy shut-in foreigner that would grow up for the worst, if it wasn't for the Academy's intervention. Of course, every person here one day would be well on the way to being less human and more like weapons, since the early graduation requirement focused almost solely on kicking ass. Not that she minded graduating two years later than most others would.

The only thing that brought her discomfort, however, was the fact that these sorts of people would be free to do just about whatever once they walked out those gates. Ms. Shiba could cover an entire Academy, but in a world where more and more people popped up with brilliant powers by the day?

...those were worries for the distant future. For now, she just got in line and followed the due process like all the others. People aren't all so bad, if you pulled aside all the rotten parts.

So suppose she was honest with herself for a little bit...suppose she didn't have to worry so much...

...right, just let it out, Kaya. It's not gonna kill you, much less anyone else.

...maybe people wouldn't mind the slight warmth her aura was giving off. Hell, maybe they'd open up too. Unlike various, energetic elements that evoked warmth, cold, electricity, or perhaps the absence of such energies, Earth gave off simply an impression. People would be more conscious of the environment, perhaps the air and the ground, but...well, they simply weren't that bedazzled. Even normal people subconsciously felt their environment; how could her aura bring any flavor to something tasted on a daily?

Maybe that's why Earth magi were almost never mentioned. People just overlooked them. Just too boring, maybe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Saturday September 1st 2020 7:25AM Morning

As Ms. Shiba looked around she noticed a majority of the new students were on the bus and that the others should be following soon so she decided to once again clap her hands to get everyones attention "Alright everyone listen up as I have an announcement as well as who you will be staying with till you graduate." She said as she closed her eyes and removed her glasses and let her hair down "As you know my name is Ms. Shiba however my full name is Tokie Shiba and if that doesnt ring any bells I was the one who sent your acceptance letters to you. With that I am not just a teacher at the academy I am the headmaster!" She stated as her clothes suddenly changed to her personal attire at the academy. "Now then with that out of the way I can now announce your living companion! Here are the pairings for your time at Scarlet Academy!" She said as she waved her arms outwards revealing the list of pairings in bright neon lights in the air.

'Hisoka & Emi, Kaya & Aki, Gin & Aleksa, Djura & Koken, Damien & Kireina, Milly & Arata'

"Hmmm guess I'm with Emi then. Seems some of them are which elements would work well together and some are who they feel would bring the best out of the other. I feel bad for Damien though he has to stay with the ice queen. He already hates life now it seems guess he is gonna want to murder god next." Hisoka thought to himself. "I will keep this list up so the others can see who they are with!" Ms. Shiba said as she sit's down in the front seat of the bus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emi Sugihara

"Hold up... I'm living with a boy? Emi freaked out silently. "Why do I get the feeling that this is going to be incredibly awkward?"

Despite her initial shock, it seemed that all the pairings were co-ed. She wondered why she was paired up with Hisoka. It was probably due to their elements. He was fire and she was air. Fire needs air to burn, right? She sighed, still a bit shaken up by these turn of events. She was going to have some house rules if they were going to be living together, that was for sure.

She found Hisoka already on the bus and took a seat next to him. "I guess we're living together for the next few years...Yay..." she said to him, and could not help but be sarcastic in the end. She didn't want to be mean and it was not like she did not like the guy, but she really wasn't sure how she felt about these arrangements.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Djura looked up at the names after the headmaster put them up. Thank's to that boy from earlier he could tell that at least some of the pairings were based on element, as he looked around for his name he saw he was with...someone names Koken "oh grand" he quietly said to himself "now who the hell's Koken?". he had after all not been paying that much attention to introductions and had not given his name either...great start...
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aki walked onto the bus and say down he heard who his roommate was going to be. He figured it was a girl based on the name but he had no idea who the hell it was. He looked at all the students there and wondered. He then stood up on the bus and said loudly "I am Aki and I look forward to being you classmate and your roommate Kaya." Aki hoped that his comment would help him figure out who this Kaya is.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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BytheSpleen ...but no cigar.

Member Seen 9 mos ago


At once, he could see in the seat in front of him a girl that was covering her ears from his loud voice. After the first burst of moans and groans and announcements were made, Kaya turned and waved at him.

"...geez, I'm right down here. No need to pop my ear-drums..."

Without skipping a beat, she extended her hand for him to shake.

"...nice to meet'cha! You're a...what kinda element? Haven't gotten everything and everyone figured out just yet, so if you could bear with me..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gin noticed Ms. Shiba talking and removed his headphones giving her his attention. His heart started to race when she started to name of parings for the homes. When she finished Gin smiled. "Yes!" He shouted but quickly lost all his excitement when he realized he's gonna be sharing a place with a chick...just him....and her. Gin gripped his shirt as his heart raced facer. "Damn you match makers and ships!" He cursed balling up trying not to totally freak out. He calmed down and just came to amends with reality. But co-ed teenagers living together in a home unsupervised is like asking for problems. They might as well changed companion to arranged marriage partner. Gin tried his best to calm down looking out the window attempting to change his train of thought which he was failing at pretty badly too. Gin sat there with a blank stare on his face looking out the window. "Hopefully my 'PARTNER!' is a chick with similar likes as me." Gin said continuing with his blank stare as if he's been traumatized.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She sat down in her seat on the bus hoping to be left alone, she sat down next to Gin to avoid approaching her room partner. She looked to Gin and smirks She whispers "Play along, I promise I wont hurt you"

She thinks to herself 'Well not yet at least'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Koken's head perks up like a dog when seeing the display of housemates in bright lights. The way people were paired up slightly surprised Koken; she assumed it would be more of a 'girls with girls' and 'boys with boys' kind of set up, but it was quite the other way around. The set up method seemed to be more unique, of course. Probably by element. We'll see. Koken spots her name, and then the name she was paired with. A few slow seconds later she heard the voice right in front of her say something like 'who the hell is Koken.' Well that clears that scavenger hunt. Koken tugs down on her earphones to yank them out of her ears before leaning forward and resting her arm on the seat in front of her before making two quick tongue clicks to get his attention, along with making a small salute with two fingers and a small grin that didn't last no longer a second. She removed her 'traveling cap' from her head and held it by the visor against her chest, "Koken Irie, your's truly. I'm guessing you're..." Koken glanced back to the display of names real quick before looking back, "Djura? I'm assuming?" Koken's tone was partly monotone, not entirely though. She awkwardly looked side to side with her eyes, for whatever reason, "...Hi." Koken tried to recall Djura's element, which was most likely announced by Hisoka as he did with mostly everyone else. If she remembered correctly, Djura had Void. She'll find out if she's right soon enough. Quite the interesting kind of element, though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Ooooh! The metal guy, wait.... was he nice... hmmm?" Aleksandri thought after she saw the floating list that was written in the air. "They really thought this out didn't they, I mean metal and electricity who would have thought to pair us two up...." she said to Gin and lowered her aura to a light buzz as she bounced her way to her partner clearly excited about how school would go but also nervous about her House Mate.

When she reached the seats Aleksa noticed the other girl sitting next to Gin and decided not to say anything but to move to the empty seat in front of of his and look over the back of it at the pair. She was slightly envious of the girl for taking her spot but kept quiet about it.

Aleksa reached into her backpack and pulled out a bag of pretzel rods, opening the bag she began to relax as she ate the salty snack. She glanced back at Gin and held the towards him bag, "Want some Mr.Gin?" she asked though it seemed like the volume of her voice was halfed and her already slight aura pittered to a halt. "It's a pleasure to meet you and i hope we have a great year together" Aleksa said with a small smile in an attempt to break the ice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kireina Tohsaka

Current Theme: Painful

Kireina looked to see nobody phased, or barely even noticing her cold pressure that she was emitting. I didn't even let that much go... and barely any of them noticed. Am I seriously that weak? Kireina grit her teeth as she looked up, before looking to the shady 'Ms Shiba' with her cold stare, dropping her worried look. She noticed that the sign that she had been holding disappeared, and that this woman was also being extremely energetic, something that she very much despised. She then pulled up the hand of her suitcase, she brushed off the ice briefly before following her, keeping the same face of hers the entire time. She saw lots of the people walking in groups, while she walked alone, she already had given off a bad impression to them all. Bad impressions are good sometimes, you can be taken as a hero that needs to redeem themselves, or more importantly, a villain who rises to fame. Kireina had classified herself as a villain for a while, all she needs is that hero to come along and defeat her.

But it won't be so easy, she will dedicate herself to never lose, but who knows, she can be easily defeated depending on the power of the school students. That fire boy could even be her number one rival, he has the aura of a hero, anybody could tell that. Villains just sometimes have to work hard for their goals, no matter who is in the way. Kireina has thought to herself, before they came to a stop in front of the bus. After listening to the woman for a while, she then heard the words living companion. Kireina didn't mind if she had one, but that would just mean that if they prevent her goals, she would have to truly be a villain.

Kireina suspected that this woman had to be the headmaster of the school when she introduced her name, due to what was said on the letter of the invitation. She noticed that the outfit that she was wearing had changed as well, and that she was going to be introduced on who is going to be her living 'companion'. She listened up, hearing all of the names one by one for who was going to be paired up with who. Eventually she heard her name, and that she was going to be with someone by the name of Damien. She looked to the male who had black hair and grey eyes, he looked somewhat intimidating to her, but she wouldn't cower down over something like this.

Kireina watched the others hop onto the bus before she got on herself, she sat in her seat which was around the middle of the bus, she looked around at the other people of the bus before looking towards the window, lifting her hand up to put on her face. Everybody hates me, but that's what I get for being a villain in this world. Kireina had her final thoughts to herself, before looking towards the entrance of the bus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Djura turned his head at the sound of someone making a clicking noise behind him. Seeing Koken as she introduced herself, a slight awkward look as she did. "Dia duit, I am Djura, Djura Sinclair" He almost tried for a smile but remembered that his face was covered. Instead he turned a bit in his seat to face her and tipped his head slightly "A pleasure" he looked back up at Koken, glancing over her features, what stood out to him most was her Blue eyes, a contrast to the rest of her appearance and something Djura felt he'd stared at for too long and quickly shifted his eyes away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chaotic38
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chaotic38 Shadows of Khaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Damien tilted his head as the apparent Headmaster started to reveal who would be bunking with who. He could only pick out two names out of the bunch, his own and Kireina's, the ice girl from earlier. The person who he just happened to be his living companion. For a few seconds he cast his sight along the bus, glancing at the pairs that he could see, analyzing any potential weaknesses. There was the boy everyone was shocked at, or something, sitting along with the younger girl with blond hair. Normally people would see youth as a weakness, but Damien understood that youth meant perceived innocence. Usually the younger ones were able to get away with the most. Heat guy however, was a blank slate. The only thing he could gather was that he seemed to be the type of person who was a true hero. Selfless and whatnot. Damien hated true heroes. He understood the value of doing underhanded things to survive. But he wasn't exactly a fan of villains either, who used their tactics for more than necessary.

The only other people he considered of note so far were the girl in mostly black who, from what he could tell, he could get along with if he were the getting-along-with-people type of person; as well as Metal Man and the younger girl with blue hair. If the girl could use any element like Ice, electricity, or anything like that, then they were going to be heavy hitters.

Damien was almost reluctant to go talk to his future 'roommate', but he wanted to start things on the right foot. What he defined as on the right foot, however, was much different than most. He got out of his seat, and moved to sit across the row from Kireina "If we're going to be living in the same house, let's set some ground rules. Rule One: I'm not interested in making friends, nor am I interested in making enemies with someone who's potential I do not know. So except for times when we absolutely need to speak, you do your thing, I'll do mine. Rule Two: My past is not yours to know. Likewise I don't wish to know your past. These bring up emotions, for example, sometimes pity, sometimes hatred, sometimes happiness. I don't much care for emotions, they make you weak." He pauses here, before casting his gaze over toward her, his eyes almost lifeless and bored. "If you have any rules, state them now before we get where we're going." He much preferred getting the rules out right away, otherwise it didn't have the same effect. He raised a brow expectantly waiting for her answer, and possible rules so he could go back to where he was. Alone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tathgon
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tathgon The Drifting Shadow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It was only a matter of moments after Arata had actually become interested in the group when Ms. Shiba directed the students to the bus heading to Scarlet Academy. Arata grabbed his suitcase and followed. He noticed worry come across Kireina's face, which disappeared as fast as it appeared. Was she upset that no one reacted? He felt bad about finding her aura display funny earlier... He thought about saying something to her, but decided against it. There really isn't a 'good' way to approach this. Might as well let it be. He let his mind wander to thoughts about the dorms or rooms in which they would all be living in.

His thoughts about the living arrangements were answered when he entered the bus. Homes, and by the looks of the students, co-ed. Milly... don't remember someone introducing themselves as such... He looked around and saw that everyone was paired off, except for a girl in yellow offering pretzel rods to Gin in the seat behind her. As he walked over, he heard her say something about metal and electricity. So she's with Greeny... then... He noticed a girl sitting next to Greeny. "Hey." Arata said, stopping at the seat the electric magus was in. "You're..." He took a moment to look up to the neon display of names, "Aleksa, right? I'm Arata. May I?" He asked, gesturing towards the seat. There couldn't be any consequences for sitting in a different seat from your roommate... right?

@Lady Athena@The ghost in black@Slendy@NekoJordan
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kireina Tohsaka


Current Theme: If you leave

Kireina watched her roommate get onto the bus, giving him her famous stare that just about everybody would get. She then noticed that he was starting to talk, setting these rules in their home, she listened carefully to each one. Not interested in making friends? At least that's something to relate to Mr Emo here. Kireina's thoughts went around as she continued to listen, and now there were not to tell each other their pasts, she agreed to that, these two are just living under the same roof. Not much care for emotions? At least he isn't what looks like to be a hero at least. Like that wannabe. Kireina thoughts went around once more, she was then asked if she had any rules of her own.

"You said everything, look forward to being your roommate." A smirk could be seen for a second there before she looked back towards the window, leaning back against it as she looked out of it.

Villains do all of this, right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Saturday September 1st 2020 7:30AM Morning

As the last person stepped onto the bus and took there seat the bus began to move with no one in the drivers seat. A messege was heard over the speakers of the bus "Next stop Scarlet Academy!" said the voice. Ms. Shiba looked to be in some sort of trance in her seat as she was using a special ability to control the bus. A familiar voice was heard over the speakers of the bus. "Once you all get settled in your homes, we have a special match which will bring each one of you to show off what you can do." the voice said. The voice had a familiar spunk to it... Ms Shiba! Ms. Shiba's voice was playing over the speaker yet she was just sitting in her seat. "This match will most likely be between a new student and one of your seniors! Oh and just so you know this is a special ability only I have which I call Material Takeover! I can put myself into an non living object and take control of them!" Ms. Shiba added "The senior who will be fighting is Sakura Matsuoka! One of the most highly skilled knights at the academy. She is a part of a group of students known as the Crimson Beasts, an elite number of students who are strong enough to act on their own and not in a squad!" Ms. Shiba said "There are a total of 12 members! Sakura is ranked #1 in the group! Her opponent will be..." Ms Shiba's voice went quiet as a big '#1' appeared over Hisoka's head "...Hisoka Namiki!" Ms. Shiba added. "hmmmm I'll be fighting CB #1 huh? Interesting." Hisoka said with a slight bored tone in his voice. Hisoka looked out the window and ignored everyone the rest of the ride to the academy.

Saturday September 1st 2020 8:30AM Morning

The bus which was currently driving through a tunnel was somewhat quiet. Some of the new students conversed with each other, however Hisoka was still looking out the window. He perked up as he heard the speaker in the bus turn on. "Alright we shall be arriving in 3...2...1!" Ms. Shiba said as the bus exited the tunnel as a strong bright light engulfed the entire bus. The light cooled down as the bus approached it's desired location. "Welcome everyone to Scarlet Academy!" Ms. Shiba said as the bus was parked in front of the school. Students of all kind walked the campus of this school. In one area there was a ranked battle going on with two students. One dealt the final blow and reigned victorious. A few girls were gossiping near a fountain. A couple of science students were busy tinkering with a small robot. This was just like going to a normal school-well aside from the ranked matches. 2 students waited outside the bus, one male and one female as the doors swung open. Hisoka was the first to exit as the 2 students greeted him and the others "Welcome to Scarlet Academy!" they both said "I'm looking for a Hisoka Namiki-san! Is that you by any chance?" the girl said as she looked towards Hisoka. "Yes that's me. You must be Sakura Matsuoka-san then?" Hisoka said as he stepped off the bus. "To be honest when I heard I'd be fighting you I was scared...but after thinking about it..." Hisoka's aura pressure was released yet again but stronger then before. "...I'm excited to fight the strongest so soon!" He said with a big smile on his face. His face quickly switched to a more serious and confident expression "I'm ready whenever you are, Matsuoka-san!" Hisoka said as his aura began to lower to not scare people. Sakura gestured him to follow her. "Everyone! Saitama here will escort you to the stands where you can watch the match!" Sakura called out as her and Hisoka began to head off "If you'll all please follow me!" Saitama said as he bowed in respect.
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