Aulfr said little in the remaining conversations of the feast- for what reasons, no one could accurately say, not even Aulfr. He watched the room's going-ons, political alliances made and broken, trades struck, gossip and rumors discussed. There was not much left to say in this evening; the feast had done its purpose, and had run its course. The Oberjarl raised his hands, and called out for attention. Moments later, they were dismissed. Aulfr waved minimally for Aleksandra to follow, pointedly avoiding to look at her. He was up and striding through the parting crowd almost immediately; whispers started, but were startled shut by a pointed, passive glance from Aulfr. He stalked out of the hall, his less-than-pleased vibes coming more from intuition than any sign of anything physical. Five minutes later saw a maid scrubbing new bloodstains, another maid hurrying for a full meal, and Aulfr stepping into his room after letting Aleksandra in first. When she asked him that heart-flipping question, "Would you like to kiss me again?" plus those statements about him enjoying, he paused and looked down at her. He waited long enough for the meal to be prepared and brought in; he took the tray directly from the maid, not bothering to let her set it down- the mere act sent her wide-eyed and running, because no upper status person had ever once done such a thing. He set the tray on the closest thing on the nearest thing- his nightstand- and then faced Aleksandra again. He leaned down slightly, as if taunting or teasing her, put both hands on her shoulders, and pulled her a little closer. Then he spoke, "Of course I enjoyed it... and I'd like to do it again." He gave her a smile, and then gently pushed her away, before stepping around her and heading to his table. Arriving, he started taking off the ridiculous clothing.