The two detectives made their way through a now almost deserted hall with their weapons at the ready. They could hear shouting just ahead mixed with whimpers, cries of terrors, and pleas for life. When Lewis stepped up to the door he spotted a man checking the cubicles with an assault rifle at hand. He didn't give them the chance to even look at eachother in the eye before he raised his gun, squeezing the trigger. Right when Lewis raised his weapon the stranger looked at him and raised an assault rifle in return. Only one burst of gunfire went off before he was met by a volley of pistol rounds by the two cops now standing beside one another and shooting until he was down on the floor. During that time a few remaining civilians rushed to the door where the detectives were, brushing past them in an effort to get to the garage. It wasn't long though until the second gunman stepped forward and started shooting, this time having the advantage of a first shot. Lewis ducked instinctively to the staccato pops of an assault rifle and began herding the fleeing workers from behind, shouting over the gunfire. "Get out! Get out go!" There was a brief moment of silence when the detective reached the door and let the civilians out followed by one more burst of assault rifle fire. Turning around he saw the other detective staggering and disoriented, a patch of blood in the wall nearby. Immediately, Lewis walked over to the detective who was mumbling a series of profane terms along with an assurance that he was okay. "Cmon we gotta get you outta here. Cmon lets go!" They were in one heck of a pickle now, an injured detective with a group of armed thugs between them and whatever help they have coming "The hell was that?!" A voice rang up from the lobby as the shooter went over to his downed buddy, sighing under his breath before shouting back. "The cops are here and they shot Ray!"