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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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@NekoJordan@The ghost in black

She gets up from her seat walking out of the bus and sighing. She was still wearing her hood and headphones. She looked to Aleksa and writes a note. She hands it to Aleksa and it reads "Hello Aleksa, lets be friends"

She blushes under her hood as she follows Saitama. She had her hands in her pockets. She looked to Aleksa and sighs as she walks back and grabs Aleksa's hand to drag her along.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Lady Athena @The ghost in black @tathgon

Gin looked at Milly with a blank and a 'why are you here' stare visible on his face. He was unaffected by the girls words and almost started to ignore her existence completely but then again that was tough cause she was sitting right next to him. Trying to regain Hus normal persona again he failed being interrupted by his future house 'partner'. Gin kept his eye on her. He had no choice if she was gonna end up living together with her. She offered him a pretzel stick which he declined shaking his head lightly. He rubbed his piercing thinking that his pairing with Aleksa wouldn't be totally bad. After all she does have the ability to manipulate electricity. For the rest of the ride to the school he tried to keep to himself. When the view of the schools campus came into spectating site Gin eyes opened wide at his spontaneous the school was. It looked normal but then it wasn't at the same time which Gin couldn't even explain. He exited the bus excusing himself as he passed by Milly to not be rude. When outside of the bus he was greeted by the happily go lucky duo like everyone else and was escorted towards the stands to watch the beginning of a match. "The hell we just got here and we're already being thrown into the pits." Gin said to himself but loud enough that if someone were to walk by would hear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@tathgon@slendy@Lady Athena
Aleksa was a bit bummed that gin rejected the gesture but quickly forgot it when Arata asked if he could sit next to her, Oh yeah sure nice to meet you Arata" She Said before moving over to allow him To sit. Throughout the bus ride Aleksa looked out the window and ate her food without attempting to say another word to the others

When they reached the academy she took the note from Mily and read it before being dragged along by the girl. "ok ok we can be friend Ms. Mily" she said as she followed behind her. The fight right off the bat took Aleksa by suprize since they had only just jot there but on the other hand she was excited as well. Aleksa began generating another invisible Faraday cage that surrounded her whole body, she did this when the two who were going to fight began releasing their aura pressures because she didn't want to feel it at the time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

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Emi Sugihara

Before Emi knew it, they were already on campus. And apparently they already were going to have some matches. "Yay, because fighting and jet lag is a great combination," she sighed to herself. Hisoka was already being excited about fighting one of the strongest person in the school. "He probably is going to show off some more," she thought, but could not help but be a little bit concern about her house mate.

Before she could say anything though or wish him luck, he was already walking with Matsuoka-san, getting ready for his fight. "Oh well, I'm sure he'll be fine...right?"

She followed the others to get a good seat to watch the match. There were already some buzz going on about how Hisoka was going to get crushed or something since Matsuoka was so strong or something like that. Emi clenched her fist, a bit annoyed though she didn't understand why. It's not like she knew him well enough to care. Maybe she already considered him a friend or perhaps it's because they are going to be living together for the rest of their time here. Either way, she cared much to her dismay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Saturday September 1st 2020 8:35AM Morning

Hisoka noticed everyone behind them however he noticed Emi looking frustrated he released his aura and made it was directed at Emi "Don't worry! Stay calm! I'll be fine Emi, I'll show everyone who the true strongest person is." He thought to himself. The aura he released was a warm and calming aura. He was able to release his aura and element in a way that helps people calm down. "So Matsuoka-san? I wonder who is gonna win in this match? Me or you?" Hisoka said as Sakura chuckled "What's so funny?" Hisoka asked "I find it funny that you think you stand a chance! i'm the strongest one in this school, no one has been able to beat me, everyone who tried either died or quit the school if they survived!" Sakura said in a way only Hisoka could hear her. "We'll see about that, Molten Maiden" Hisoka said as Sakura's eyes widened in shock "That's right, I've already figured out your element. You're a special element just like some of my fellow newbies. However..." Hisoka said as he gave a serious glare "I've fought someone like you before." the tone in his voice went from cheerful and excited to calm and serious. "Hisoka Namiki, he is just making empty threats to throw me off guard. He knows nothing about my element and he wouldn't be here if her fought a similar element. He'd be dead." Sakura thought to herself.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Aki sat down in seat again as he shook Kaya's hand. He the said "Sorry I didn't realize you were so close. I didn't mean to harm your eardrums in anyway." He could feel a bright and bubbly energy coming from the girl. As if she was in a very good mood. Aki was relieved that his loud introduction didn't ruin that. He then continued,"It's nice to meet you as well. I am an energy elementalist. I can feel the kind of energy in the room a or area then use it to aid me. However if I'm not careful the energy can affect the way I act. What element do you control my flight was slightly delayed so I missed a few things.

Before he knew it the bus was at the Academy. His conversation with Kaya had led him to be distracted along the trip he guessed. After getting off the bus they were lead to an arena. Where they were going to watch one of the fellow students fight another student he hoped he could keep himself under control. He stayed close to Kaya since they will be spending a fair amount of time together he hooted they could be good friends.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Food muncher

Food muncher

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Food muncher

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Food muncher

Food muncher

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Food muncher

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kireina Tohsaka

Current Theme: If you leave

On the bus Kireina didn't speak to once person, she simply sat there and contemplated what she could actually do in this school. And would she even learn more from her master? Would this all be a waste of time for her? Eventually the bus ran to a stop, everybody around her standing up to step out of the bus. She was starting to get pissed off my Hisoka's attitude, that he was apparently 'strong', he's just one of your wannabe heroes in this world. Fire and ice were truly the enemies of each other, she would just hope that her masters training has made her powerful enough to take him down. Kireina was then greeted by the two students, she didn't bother to reply to them, it would just make her use unnecessary energy in the first place. This place looks fine I guess, but someone as dumb as him might even destroy it. Or maybe me due to my villainous behavior that people say. Kireina had thought in her head.

She then noticed that he had released his aura to the girl who looked like to be one of the strongest of the school. How could an idiot like him even fight her and win? Kireina's inner thoughts went around before she saw the boy asking for them to follow him, she raised an eyebrow at him before sighing, deciding to follow her. Sometime during the fight she might even leave, or if she'd like to, even interrupt.

Heroes despise me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by chaotic38
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chaotic38 Shadows of Khaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Damien scoffed at Kireina's words saying that she was looking forward to being roommates, "I doubt it." Without another word, he shifted back in his seat, pulling a large, old, almost tattered book from his pack, most of the title that once was there, now faded away with age, leaving only the letters 'E ar n P '. He cracked open the pages of the book before reading the rest of the trip.

Faster than he had hoped, they had arrived at the school, and he reluctantly put away the book in his pack, which seemed like it couldn't fit much else. He looked off in the distance of the fight in the arena, only paying slight attention to the announcement of matches, as he watched intently until everyone started getting off of the bus. He grabbed up the pack, and followed suit. Once off of the bus, he overheard the conversation between the older boy, which he now learned was named Hisoka. He chuckled darkly at Hisoka's overconfidence "The closer you attempt to fly towards the sun, the harder your fall into the sea." He spoke aloud to Hisoka, as they walked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Before Djura could say anything else Ms. Shiba announced their arrival as well as the first match as the bus rolled to a stop. Djura was one of the last few to get off the bus. He saw as Hisoka heading off with his opponent toward the arena. He followed Saitama toward the stands with the others. On the way he looked around to see if he could find Koken, they barely had an introduction on the bus and perhaps they could share a few more words while the match went on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emi Sugihara

Emi suddenly felt a familiar warmth, though it was slightly different this time. It was indubitably Hisoka's aura, though this time it was more reassuring and gentle. Did he somehow notice that she was worried about him? Regardless, she could not see it going well for him. He already seemed to be pissing Matsuoka off.

Would it be weird if she cheered for him? Yes, yes, it would be so she wasn't going to. But she did send him a soft breeze to let him know that she got his message.

She overheard Damien saying something about flying too close to the son, a reference to Icarus. He had a point; Hisoka's confidence was overwhelming at times and really could be setting him up for failure. But at the same time...

"Maybe the world needs more people like that. People who think they can do anything because if there aren't, we would never go beyond our limits and grow as a whole."

She didn't even realize she was speaking out loud until she heard herself. Covering her mouth quickly, she felt embarrassed for saying something so cheesy and preachy. Maybe they hadn't heard her....? She really, really, really hoped not.

@NekoJordan @chaotic38
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tathgon
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tathgon The Drifting Shadow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Thanks." Arata said, taking a seat next to Aleksa. He turned his attention to Ms. Shiba who began talking about a special match for each of them, the first being between Sakura Matsuoka, one of the academy's best students, and Hisoka. This perplexed him. Why would they pair novices to fight veterans? To prove they have much to learn? It doesn't make sense to me.

Before Arata knew it, they had arrived. He felt slightly bad for not attempting to carry a conversation with anyone, but his thoughts remained on Hisoka's match. There was no reason to hold the match at all. Sadly, it seemed that Hisoka was stoked for the fight. Arata sighed, following Saitama to the stands. "Why one of the best students here? It still doesn't make sense." Arata quietly thought aloud, looking concerned, "One of the best versus a newbie. Hope he's alright."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

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Koken brought her hat over her head, not to put it on but to tip it off as a fancy gesture in return. She soon caught herself examining Djura's physical traits and blinked. It was when Djura quickly moved his gaze away when Koken realized he was doing the same thing towards her. Either coincidence or they just think alike. Koken leaned back in her seat, waiting for the next big thing to happen. And maybe, she might have taken a nap.

The climax of the day approached before Koken knew it as they arrive at the Academy. Upon disembarking the bus they were greeted by two other people, most likely veterans or at least upperclassmen of the school. Somewhere along the way, it practically took no time to say that there was already going to be some kind of match. Straight to the action, just the way Koken likes it. But the part where the boat tips is where it will be Hisoka, big surprise, facing off with the number one student in the whole academy. Koken's thought: '...Where the hell is the logic in this?'

On the way walking and following Saitama to the watching area, Koken slowed down her pace to where she would wind up walking next to Djura. An earlier glance she had taken made her realize that he was possibly looking for her. Koken had planned to say something to Djura, but her own thoughts on the upcoming fight distract her and so her mouth doesn't open to say anything. Koken heard Sakura Matsuoka, the supposedly very best, state earlier that whoever fought her has either died or quit the school. So why is Hisoka, fresh out of the airport, about to fight this chick? Koken is pretty sure the over-confidence of his might be making it a bit worse. What's the headmaster expecting to come out of this? The only logic that could come in is that if Matsuoka was going easy, but she talks a big game unless she's bluffing. Koken exhales slowly and quietly. 'This is one hardcore school, that's for sure. Although...'

'Not like there's any complaints.'

It could be that Koken is thinking too much on it too soon, but oh well. Whatever happens, happens. Something or another will happen, either way. Besides, this might even be an excellent time to observe at least some other people to what she could be up against in the future. She should at least spectate a little, depending. We'll see.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Djura suddenly found himself walking next to Koken. she seemed distracted however so he didn't say anything for now. Instead he thought about the matches. He'd had an idea since his element had been blundered already, and to test it he brought his hands up and focused a small amount of energy into his palm. A small flame started on his hand and He grinned behind his mask, extinguishing the flame by closing his fist. From the small barrier he'd put up when Hisoka was radiating his aura he'd actually subtly absorbed some of it. He now had a limited amount of flame energy to use but the number of times Hisoka radiated his aura and it's intensity gave him at least enough to go through one match, and for that one match he could appear as a fire wielder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Saturday September 1st 2020 8:40AM Morning

As Sakura and Hisoka reached the arena they looked to each other and stared off. “So, you want to know how I know your element?” Hisoka asked as Sakura sighed “Fine, I guess I’ll humor you for a bit.” Sakura said annoyed at Hisoka “You acted similar to a man I met a couple years ago. The same man the trained me to be a Magic Knight. My master, Shin Ushijima, the Lava Magus. He trained me in a branch of the lava element, fire. So to make it simple, you are a lava magus.” Hisoka said as began to chuckle which turned into laughter. “You think because you know my element you can beat me? You really are an idiot! This will be over quick!” Sakura said as she got into a stance as if she was drawing a katana “Nope! I don’t think I can beat you! However the feeling of getting to fight someone that is even stronger than myself..it’s a rush of overwhelming excitement! Even though you aren’t releasing it, I can feel your aura pressure, it’s so strong even though you aren’t releasing it! I’m excited yet I’m afraid.. though I’m gonna give it my all! no matter wha-” Hisoka was cut off as he was knocked back into the wall of the arena. Luckily the spectator area is high up or there would have been casualties. “You talk too much.” Sakura said as she held her katana, Scarlet and began to walk away “Hey hey hey! That was really rude!” said Hisoka’s voice from the rubble, Sakura quickly turned around in shock. “You should really let a person finish speaking before attacking them!” Hisoka said climbing out of the rubble covered in dirt. “How did you survive that!? Tell me!” Sakura yelled “Oh I activated my defense before entering the arena. ‘Amaterasu’s Blessing’ an invisible yet detectable defense. You were so angered by me talking that you forgot you detected it.” Hisoka said as he held his hand out “Come! Shuiro!” Hisoka called out as a vortex of flames engulfed his arm, the flames slowly moved towards the palm of his hand as it began to stretch out into the form of a sword. The flames dispersed as a two handed sword with bright red blade appeared in Hisoka’s left hand. Hisoka points out his right index and middle fingers and begins to write the kanji for ‘many’ in the air “Scatter! Vermillion!” Hisoka thrust his hand out as multiple fire projectiles are shot at Sakura. “Gagoze Wall!” Sakura called out as a wide burst of lava emerged in front of her and hardened into a defensive barrier. As the projectiles make contact with the wall a slash is seen cutting the wall as Sakura reacts and points her katana at Hisoka’s neck and Hisoka pointed his sword at Sakura’s chest. “I give up.” Hisoka said as he lowered his weapon “I know when I’m beat. Good match, Matsuoka-san!” Hisoka said as he held out his hand. Sakura blushed as she shook Hisoka’s hand. Hisoka began to walk away as Sakura looked at him curiously “Why did he give up? He could have done so much more and actually beat me. Why? Why did he give up?” Sakura thought to herself as she focused her aura into her eyes in order to see his aura. Sakura’s eyes widened in fear as she saw the aura in his soul. “He’s got that thing inside him? He could have killed me with that. He gave up so he wouldn’t feed it anymore. Hoshi-no-Tama, the Kitsune’s power, he made a contract with it and has to live with it for his entire life. It wasn’t because he trained so much that he was able to detect their aura’s... it was that foxes power...Hisoka Namiki... just what have you been through?” She thought to herself as she began to walk in the same direction of Hisoka.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emi Sugihara

"Ugh... that idiot. Hey he's not doing too bad...wait.. What the... Did he just give up? EHHHHHHH?" And that was what went through Emi's head as the fight went on.

She slumped into the back of her seat and sighed. "I don't get that guy..." she muttered softly, feeling exhausted just from watching the fight. Then she remembered something and sat back up straight. "Wait... Do we have to fight next? Jeez..."

Though she had to admit, after watching Hisoka's fight, she was kind of pumped. She wanted to show off a little bit too... maybe... if her opponent didn't kill her first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tathgon
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tathgon The Drifting Shadow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Arata laughed as Hisoka was launched into the wall. You deserved that. Too much talk and... well, you're still standing. I'll give you credit. Most may not be breathing after a blow like that. The fight wasn't very long, not that it was expected to be, but it ended abruptly. Hisoka... surrendered? But didn't he want this? Arata noticed Sakura's stance shift slightly, noting her fear. Of what, he wasn't sure. "Odd." Arata said, his thoughts trying to come up with a reason for Sakura's reaction.
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