[center][h3][color=springgreen]Jeremiah Howard Tomers[/color][/h3]
[b][u]Location: [/u][/b]Campus Benches
[b][u]Interacting With: [/u][/b] Clarissa Price [@GoddessSophia], Tara Niklos [@Kaithas] [/center][hr][hr]

On the mention that Clarissa made about Zeke, Jay felt slightly nervous. He wasn't sure how to react to that, but Clarissa would ease his nervousness as she made the mention that they avoided each other. As Clarissa began to speak about her class, she told Jay that she had Greek Myhtology and it was about Ares and Hades and about the relationship that Clarissa and Skye's mother had with Hephaestus. Jay smiled slightly at that, beginning to wonder what kind of relationship his own mother had with the Greek Gods. Truth be told, Jay really didn't know anything about his mother aside from the little bits he heard from his father. There was hardly any time that Demeter had to really tell him in-depth and his father didn't know much other than how much he loved her.

Sighing, Jay glanced at Clarissa with a look of . [color=springgreen]"At least you know about your mother. I real--" [/color] Jay was interrupted by the arrival of that Tara chick. [color=springgreen]"Oh, you're Tara right?"[/color] Jay asked briefly. 

Jay vaguely rememebered her. He didn't really interact this one, but he rememebred seeing her at the party. Jay recalled seeing her punch Vivian's brother - well, when Jay wasn't busy with Clarissa, that is. He didn't really remember much after that about her. Listening to the way she was speaking to Skye and Clarissa, Jay felt some need to at least say something in her defense. If not to defend Clarissa, then to just avert a similar scenario with Stella. He sure as hell didn't want to piss off [i]another[/i] Demigoddess that seemed even more intimidating than Stella.

[color=springgreen]"So, you know Clarissa?"[/color] Jay asked somewhat shyly. He rose from his place on top of the bench and stood in front of Tara. [color=springgreen]"By the way, I'm Jay Tomers, Son of Demeter."[/color] Jay said, holding his hand out in a friendly gesture.