[center][color=6ecff6][h3]Dallas Relo[/h3][/color] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/EAGpeJC.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Courtyard, Olympus Academy [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Tali Lowe [@Kaithas][/center] [color=6ecff6][i]Should've just gone with the kid.[/i] [/color]Delilah was well-mannered and even-tempered, a pretty sweet kid as far as kids went in this wretched ass school. She might have been able to get some answers that the quicksilver-mouthed Oakland A-hole pushed too many buttons to receive, and probably with less hassle. Wouldn't have hurt to use her...and if anything jumped her, hell, the kid had needed help with a boxing stance. If he got jumped, well...he'd fight. That was what Dallas Relo was good for. Punching, cursing, a lot of laughing...and if he got beaten and dragged somewhere, be it hell or out of town, he'd only allow it to be done in an enormous ball of all three. Delilah, though... He could still catch up to her. Kid could use the pair of eyes, and he probably didn't need her talking to Vivian about what a supportive guy he was being. He'd almost made his mind up when a girl approached the one unoccupied spot of grass in this entire section of the yard. Didn't take anyone capable of splitting the goddamn atom to realize that she was after him. He sized the young woman up, scars and all (for he doubted that most people didn't size up the obvious white lines cutting across her face) and sat up slightly, forearms on his knees. [color=6ecff6]"Dallas. Relo." [/color]He waved briefly with one hand, dangling over his leg, and tilted his head at the new girl. [color=6ecff6]"Haven't seen you around before."[/color] Was this the kidnapper? Shit. Fuck. Maybe they were after hot blondes. Weren't most people? [i]Shit,[/i] that's as good a motive as any. Alright, alright, easy there, Dallas. Cryptic hints aside...awkward until proven guilty. Besides, if he couldn't punch out an attacker who sounded like she had pneumonia, he had no fucking business boxing anyway. [color=6ecff6]"Do you...know something about my sister?"[/color] His head tilted the other direction.