[quote=@Edo Tensei] Hello new people. So, with the influx of interested members, I believe that we will, in fact, require jounin spots. Sadly, there is only two jounin spots available, assuming that caliban takes omerta's genin spot. [@OneWayOut]: It's nice to see you hyped. ^^ Yes, you may take the spot of one of the jounins. Also, since you seem experienced in this field, would you like to become my Co-GM? I'm quite new to role-playing, and creating role-plays in general, so I will definitely need help. [/quote] Right! No problem, I'll be your co-GM and help out with whatever I can to make things go smoothly. As for the Skeleton I was telling you about, I'll pm it to you so you can look it over and add/take away things if you like. :)