[center][h3][color=Red]Clarissa Nikolina Price[/color][/h3] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/1f53b17ea6545f11cb61710d348be2d0/tumblr_mhjsk0uBs11s2matro1_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Campus Benches [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Jay Tomers [@Altered Tundra]Tara Niklos [@Kaithas][/center][hr][hr] Clarissa listened to Jay; seeing his reactions change as they discussed who they run into during their classes and as she explained her class in a bit more depth. She smiled as she heard him speak; she and Aphrodite always been close, she loved her mother. When Jay trailed off, she sighed wondering what he was about to say about him and his mother; but she would not know at the moment since they got interrupted by Tara...the daughter of Ares. Clarissa didn't care much for Tara what so ever. Just like Stella, Tara seemed to put below down just because her Father was Ares. The Daughter of Aphrodite narrowed her eyes slightly; and she soon began glaring at Tara, who seemed to be firing insults left, right and center aimed towards her and Skye. Her jaw was clenched tightly with annoyance towards the other Demi-Goddess. [color=red] "You know what, Tara?!" [/color] Clarissa began, rather rhetorically, not giving her a chance to speak as she stood up. Standing near the bench but she did not approach Tara a bit more. [color=red] "Do us all a big favor and go bother, someone else that actually gives a shit about your stupid, arrogant and not hilarious insults." [/color] she hissed at her. Only Tara thought her insults were clever and funny....the girl really did have a wrong concept of humor in that sense. Her look towards Tara was cold and Clarissa was getting more agitated by the moment. When she heard Tara speak about her and Jay, it took all her will not send a punch flying Tara's way. Her dark brown eyes were angrier by the moment, her jaw clenched...her hand curling into a fist, her muscles twitching in anger as she glared at the daughter of Ares. [color=red] "You don't know anything...about me and Jay, and how I feel about him. So back off!! I am sick and tired of people like you and Stella acting like you're all high and mighty...just because you're related to Ares and Zeus." [/color] Clarissa was getting angry and annoyed with Tara. She gave her the coldest glare she could muster. She wasn't going to play nice; she was standing up for herself and Jay...and her brother. [color=red] "You picked the wrong week to piss me off Tara...I suggest you don't get yourself involved in something you know [b]NOTHING[/b] about. Believe rumors if you will....but then again, most people here do. Not many take the time and effort to actually see and learn about me and my brother and who we really are...who I am. But I am not going to be put down by the likes of you...not anymore." [/color] Clarissa sounded as angry and annoyed with Tara as she looked. Clarissa heard Jay addressing Tara; he on the other hand sounded calm and tried to be friendly towards Tara. She didn't blame Jay for trying...he was trying to avoid trouble...whilst Clarissa was just plain sick of the trouble and being spoken to like this...and Jay being talked about in this kind of manor. That's when he mentioned being the son of Demeter. It dawned on her that he was the brother of Vivian's very hippy friend Delilah. Considering the past between her and his sister....their relationship was interesting. She was sure, that once Delilah would know he was her brother...things would be rather dramatic about the different relationships and how Clarissa/Delilah never really got on....then again, that was Clarissa's fault in the way things went; even if it was some-what in the past.