After hearing the results Hayato walked to where everyone would receive their packs. Hayato looked at the large man people called transformer, Hayato noticed the way he handed out the packs almost as if he was attacking the students receiving their packs "[color=dc143c]Return of the duelist... thats all I want[/color]"Hayato mumbled but before he knew it... he instictively slapped the pack out of the hand that was handing him the pack out of self defense using his plastic sword"[color=dc143c]Sigh... i really watched too many samurai movies... sorry sir[/color]" Hayato sighed and mumbled before catching his pack with his mouth as he was resheething his plastic sword getting a few weird looks from the students, Hayato expected mr.Transformer to yell at him but yet he didnt and got praised for his response time but yelled at for not displaying raw power "[color=dc143c]err T-thank you sir?[/color]" Hayato reponded surprised to hear the strange compliment he was given dropping the pack on the ground. After picking up his pack he decided to look for his former opponents and partner but could only find Vincent and Haas receiving their 3 cards from the bored teacher and decided to bring up the subject they last left with before the accidental nickname incident "[color=dc143c]You two planning on going for food?[/color]" Hayato asked still remembering the promise he made to the two of them and didnt really mind treating them on some food "[color=dc143c]If you two are I'll pay, I said i would after all[/color]" Hayato said to the 2 men standing before him, "wait... how did i catch the pack with my mask on... its just a mask right or is the mask just a hologram...?" Hayate thought to herself questioning once more about her mother's strange inventions