Aleksandra frowned and punched his arm, lightly so she didn't make him angry. "I do not have a [i]fever[/i] for you." What an ass. She wasn't even going to tell him that that had been her first kiss. "That was my first kiss. Let me off easier, would you?" Her first [i]willing[/i] kiss, anyways. Damn. What was wrong with her? She grit her teeth and grabbed her own weapons, then sat down across from him and started oiling the blades of her daggers. She calmed down slowly, until all she cared about was the motion of the rag on her blades and the sound of Aulfr breathing across the table. They'd done this a few times, took care of their weapons in the quiet like this. It was peaceful, and she didn't have to stumble over her words with him like she usually did. She didn't like talking, not really. Words were fickle and easily misunderstood. Actions though? Clear as crystal. Finally, she set to polishing her staff. It was thin and tall, a little larger than she was, and tipped with light metals at each end for cracking open skulls. She polished the wood twice a day in she could, with a mix of vinegar, lemon oil, and black tea. It didn't smell very pretty, but it made the wood gleam and strengthened it. There wasn't a single bloodstain on her staff, and she made sure it stayed that way. It was a work of art as well as a deadly weapon. After taking care of most of her gear, she grabbed her mask and started wiping it down, cleaning off the bloodstains and, pricking her thumb with one of her daggers, she added her own. A drop here and there, like bloody tears running out of the eyes, and a little bit around the muzzle and teeth. When she was finished, it looked decently frightening. She grinned at the grinning wolf mask and turned it so Aulfr could look. She shook it at him and growled menacingly. Mostly she sounded like a puppy. "Do you think I should start howling when I kill someone? Maybe growl before the kill?" She looked into the wolf's eyes, an amused expression on her face. "They really are like sheep, you know. Half the time, they piss themselves the moment they see my mask. I can't imagine what my prey would do if I growled like a wolf as I approached. Then there are the fools who know my reputation and fight me anyways. Just because I'm a small woman." She shook her head and smirked, setting her mask down.