Name: Merlin Frederik Sex: Male Race: Human Class: Hunter Age: 28 Bio: Merlin was raised by his grandfather who, until the boy of age 8 was brought to him, had been a hermit in the middle of the woods. Growing up having to kill for what you eat, and giving thanks to the earth and mother for your kill, tends to mild a rough and strong man. Merlin was no different, a man of few words he would often let his skill with a bow or blade do the talking. may the gods help anyone who dares poach or trespass on this mans land, for his traps don't allow you to live and tell of them. Now a well seasoned young man of 28, he has left the land where he buried his grandfather, in search of his own fortune to the north. [center].....[/center] Along the way Merlin encountered a strange gentleman. One whose dress and manor he was not much accustomed to. Though that wasn't saying much, this man was rather odd indeed. He simply handed Merlin a paper that said; [center][i][b]TO THOSE WHO FEEL THEIR SKILL IS GREAT THEIR WILL IS STRONG AND TRUE THEN VENTURE FORTH TO THE CUP AND BARREL WHERE ADVENTURE WAITS FOR YOU. [/b][/i][/center] Without a second thought Merlins pride got the better of him and he immediately made his way to Alo'Quin, capital city and home of the Cup and Barrel, a tavern of sorts. Special Skills:An excellent Trapper and Tracker. Merlin is skilled with both a bow and blade. He can speak quite well, although he chooses not to. His closest friend is his Hawk Archimedes, whom he trained since he was old enough to fly. Weapons: Always carries his hand-made bow and a quiver of arrows, as well as a small sheathed dagger on his hip. Appearance: [IMG][/IMG]