Hey there! I'm kind of in the mood for werewolves. I've got my own plot, if anyone's up for it. Chance of Mature Content [hider=Woof woof.] Girl: Your parent(s) die. Filled with grief and anger, you are sent to live with your uncle/grandma/some other relative in a tiny town in the middle of a ridiculously dense forest. You are told never to go into the forest at night, and especially not alone. But filled with rebellion from your parent(s) death, you go in there anyways. You run into a man, a man who has the ability to turn into a wolf. He kidnaps you, and shows you his pack. Your world is turned upside-down by this shocking revelation. You're being pulled and tugged in a million different directions, and through it all you fight through your growing attraction- and fear- for the man who took you, even though he's more beast than he is human. Guy: You're a werewolf. Not the bitten kind, the born kind. Your pack lives in the forest surrounding the town. There's a treaty that basically says that the werewolves will leave the townspeople alone and vice versa. But if a human enters the forest, they belong to the pack. One night, while you patrol, a new girl to the town enters the forest and you claim her before your pack mates. You show her your pack, keep her safe from the harsher wolves, the ones that dislike humans. Along the way, you discover for the first time exactly what it means to be human. Also, I have a thing that must be explained. You know the inner voice everyone has, like a conscience that tells them right from wrong? Well, werewolves have that too, but theirs is broken. They don't have an off switch, and their inner voice is angry, horny, and slightly violent. It's also very persuasive. Depending on how a wolf is raised, that voice can either be tamer or wilder. When the inner voice is wilder, it's harder to ignore, thus creating a werewolf that is moody, easily frustrated, and a bit bipolar. Someone who is harder to control. Important stuff: These werewolves are, for the most part, just human beings that can shift into wolves. They don't have an extended lifespan or slowed aging. They are slightly stronger, but not to an insane degree. Some of them have a strong enough sense of smell that they can scent things a few miles away, or scent moods and emotions. This is rare, though. They just look like really big, but otherwise normal, wolves. [/hider] Must be literate, at least one decent paragraph per post. Male or female is fine. :)