Aulfr chuckled at her denial- he actually showed emotion!- and watched her with a bemused expression as she furiously set herself to a new task, ignoring him. He waited a minute for her to do something else other than her very motivated cleaning, but eventually he gave up on seeing if she'll do something else, and returned to his original spot. Sitting down across from her, he picked up a sword he hadn't used in about a year, and began polishing it. It was a beauty- given to him by one of his now-loyal Jarls when he raided an unfamiliar ship- supposedly called a khopesh. Either way, it was a unique sword, one that he didn't have anyone to teach him to properly use. Hence the reason why he never used it- it could certainly be a formidable weapon, but he didn't have the experience to wield it as well as any of his other weapons. Finishing with the khopesh, he went on to several of his throwing knives, and then on to his last bow. Finally finishing up almost all the weapons he had laid out, he set down the bow, and stood up. All throughout his oiling and whetting, he had been thinking, real deep-like in ways that he normally didn't. It was then, maybe an hour or three later, he had come to a decision- hence why he was standing. Without a pause, he stepped out from his chair, walked around the table to the focused Aleskandra, and stood right next to her. He waited for her to glance up at him, and when she did, he leaned down and kissed her right back- somewhat more experienced, but not by much. Either way, he made sure he was gentle and caring, and put as much happy-feeling into it as possible- which was, for him, one of the most foreign things in the world. Then he straightened a little, looking down at her, and asked, "You were saying?"