Aurora felt slightly uneasy as she tried to find some sort of path through the woods. The panels she had just climbed were a joke. She never really understood why people were so afraid of going into this forest. And her aunt never really told her what was the real reason she was not to go near it. She figured people here only believed in old wives tales as WiFi was uncommon and having sex before marriage was frowned upon. The uneasy feeling slowly faded away with the sounds of the wind rushing through the trees and the night owls whoo-ing at each other. The moon stood high and gave her just enough light to not walk into a bush or tree. The flash light was for emergencies. The batteries she stole from the remote control were probably not charged the night before. Suddenly, the sound of a twig cracking sounded. It was a few meters behind her. Aurora squinted slightly but there was no moving shadow to be seen. With a frown she turned around to continue walking. But as she turned around, she felt a hard push on her upper back, making her trip forward. Aurora let out a quick scream. Trying her best to not fall flat onto her face she tried to land onto her hands first. There she was, on the ground, feeling her heartbeat into her throat whilst remaining as silent as possible. Some sort of animal stood on top of her back and was snuffling all around her neck and hair. Aurora closed her eyes and held her breath, hoping the wild animal would soon go away. [i]"Why didn't I listen to my aunt.."[/i] She wondered.