Aleksandra had returned to maintaining her gear, having gotten very little response from Aulfr. She figured he either didn't find her antics funny or he was so entranced with cleaning his weapons that he didn't care. She'd been thinking about her horribly botched kiss and wondering what Aulfr might be thinking about it. Nothing, probably. The man could be swarmed by naked women begging for him to please them and all he'd think about would be his next mission or how he'd conquer his next country. He couldn't possibly be thinking about that stupid kiss. He'd hardly looked at her for almost two hours. Which was why she was very surprised when Aulfr stopped beside her. He was so close she could feel the heat radiating from him. She turned, raising an eyebrow. She was about to ask him something snarky, but she found that her lips were very suddenly occupied. She made some high-pitched and embarrassing noise, then reached up to grab a fistful of his shirt. She didn't know whether to headbutt him or pull him closer. She chose option two. She gave a soft sigh as he pulled away, feeling like those sickly sweet, swooning women in books and fairy tales. She couldn't help herself. There were no 'sparks' and there was no passionate fire in her heart, but kissing him felt good. It was warm and felt comfortable, like putting on her well-worn boots or strapping on her daggers. Something she could do a thousand times and it would always make her feel right, and safe. It was all she'd ever wanted, really. To be with someone and feel safe with them. She blinked up at Aulfr for a moment, then stood up and gathered her weapons. She was nodding, trying to come up with something to say. "That was, well. It was pleasant. I enjoyed that. Very nice," she rambled, hanging her weapons up beside the bed like always. "Are you going to be doing that a lot? I might need some warning if you are, because I'm not always comfortable with being touched like that unless I know beforehand and-" She stopped, her eyes coming to rest on the khopesh laying on the table. "Is that a khopesh?"