[center][h3]Strawman Hospital 31/5/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] The early parts of the dungeon were pretty standard, and eerily quiet. They passed the check-in at the front entrance, and began to go down a bunch of corridors. Occasionally there would be hospital equipment and empty beds strewn across the sides, but otherwise it turned out to be a little labyrinth. After awhile the monotony ended, to some of the party's relief, the whole dark and restrained shades of blue and green and white like that of a hospital was beginning to become tiring, and the whole messed up look of everything was beginning to play on one's paranoia. They were now standing in an open clearing, there were chairs laid across the sides with small tables. This looked like some kind of waiting room. At the end of this 'waiting room', there was a large elevator. It looked just like any other elevator, but run down and... Really big. There seemed to be nowhere else to go in order to advance, so they stepped into it after pressing the one and only button on it. [color=slategray]"Hmmm... I've played enough games to know what a big elevator means"[/color], he said to himself, and just on queue, shadows. Their first encounter in the whole dungeon. As the shadows manifested, the elevator began to lurch and then rocket itself at an incredible speed. Looks like these shadows were the key to moving on. They took the appearance to security guards, their faces wrapped in bandages, wielding a baton and a handgun, plus they looked like they could use their handcuffs too. [color=magenta][i]"Those shadows are... They're not letting the elevator stop. Defeat them and it should be okay"[/i][/color], with that understood, Rui took a stance and announced to prepare for combat, though they didn't really need to be told. He was counting five of them, and each one seemed to be a fair bit durable, meaning they won't go down to just a few hits. On the other hand, they seemed slow and easy to fight around... That was probably what the handcuffs were for. It was likely they had some kind of binding skill... Probably be careful for that.