- shunned princess, magic apprentice, royal embarrassment Princess Libertine (Libby) Riveras Robles, Female, Has magics, Royal Age: To be decided on Personality: curious coward, shy but dark, people pleaser, silently stubborn Appearance: Face and general expression:[http://i59.tinypic.com/sff11s.jpg ] Hair and state of disarray:[http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.1496372!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_970/roma26n-4-web.jpg ] [hider=Extras] Random pretty stuff undecided: [https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/81/88/0f/81880f8b19df5cf0b41be0888797d0d7.jpg ] Setup Material: - Setting: Late at night. After a journey that took almost half a year, _______ has found the sorcerer. He lives in a small cottage nestled in a valley, about a league from the nearest village. There's a terrible storm going on and she's exhausted, ready for this journey to end. - the girl comes to the magician, desperate for help. She's so young and naive. She won't survive on her own if someone doesn't teach her how. But how can he teach her to control her powers when he hates himself for having the same gifts? - In your kingdom, magic is just barely tolerated and your father is trying to get rid of it. But you yourself possess magical powers. You've been kept away from people your whole life, an embarrassment to your royal family. One night, you run away. You travel a nearly impossible distance, even across an ocean, to find the son of a powerful sorceress who you believe can teach you to control your power. But what if it turns out he doesn't want to? [/hider]