Although the man was trying to convince her that joining his pack was the way to go, Aurora had a whole other set of plans in her mind before he caught her. And they were still relevant. She wanted to start a new life, all by herself. For a moment, she allowed herself to take a glimpse at his bright green eyes as he pulled her onto her feet. His hands were wrapped around her wrists quite tightly. "You're going to.. Shift?" She couldn't even hide how nervous she felt. Quickly, she took a few steps back to give him some space. She felt as if someone punched her in the stomach and the stabbing pain lingered through her arms and legs into her fingertips and toes. She took a few more steps back and tightly held onto the straps of her bag back, squeezing them so hard her knuckles went white. There was no way around it: she was frightened. Once he was fully transformed, Aurora felt a little weak onto her legs and stared at the huge wolf in front of her. Her mouth felt dry and for a moment she did not know what to do. Run? Get killed? Stay? A deep growl awoke her from her thoughts. It gave Aurora the shivers which made her squeal instantly. "Do NOT growl at m-me! How will I know you won't.." She bit her lower lip to keep her from talking. She did not want to give him any funny ideas. His fur was very soft but wet. It seemed like it was pitch black but as it was night she shouldn't be too sure. Aurora thought it would feel rough and sticky, but surprisingly it felt as if he just bathed and had a good wash. She tilted her head to the side to look at his head whilst running her hands through the thick fur. It felt as if she was petting a very large dog. As he laid still and did not growl at her anymore, her breathing calmed again and she found the courage to finally lift herself onto his back. [i]"Should I have run? I'm pretty sure he'd devourer my head of if I did.." [/i] It all felt so surreal. An hour ago the plan was to simply cross the forest and start a new life in the sunny L.A. But now all has shifted and turned. She was ought to work for this wolf pack deep inside the forest as she, supposingly, belonged to them now. Does that mean she'd have to marry.. A wolf? In his story he mentioned children, would she'd have to.. [i]"Oh god, I feel sick.."[/i] A slight headache started oozing up and Aurora close her eyes for a moment. She listened to the wind and tried to focus on the rain splashing all around her. "Let's get out of here, I am freezing." She mumbled softly.