[@KatherinWinter] [color=0072bc][b]"Don't worry, Kat. It would all be fine. We did well in the kitchen, didn't we? We sure can do well in the pool. I'll look for a suit for you, okay."[/b][/color] Brigit wrote on the tablet carefully before letting it play out as she patted and massaged the back of her friend. It felt rather good, to be able to be of some help to someone, a bright smile crept on her face as she got up and started looking for the suit, keeping in mind the size mentioned. She soon found a lovely yellow and blue swimsuit for her. It seemed to ooze cool and cheerfulness, she smiled brightly as she picked it and gave it a lookover before going to her friend. She kept it on her lap gently and took her tablet. [color=0072bc][b]"Here, try it on!"[/b][/color] she pressed play as the other girl grasped the fabric.