Mal sighed and rose to his feet, trying to ignore the emotions he scented from her and the protests of his inner wolf. [i]The female is scared. The female needs comfort. Give the female comfort.[/i] He pushed aside the thoughts. He could try and console her later. He couldn't speak as a wolf and he didn't have time to shift back and help her through whatever she was feeling. By now, the others in the night watch had probably wandered past, scented the girl, and reported back to the Alpha. He had a job to do. He gave a stretch and a shudder, then started at a reasonably paced lope, letting her get used to the way he moved before speeding up. Soon, he was running faster than most cars on an open highway, leaping over logs and dodging trees and branches. He couldn't help himself. He let out a loud, happy howl that some nearby wolves reciprocated. They joined him, casting odd looks at the human on his back. Some of them even got close enough to nudge at her leg with their muzzles, sniffing curiously. Feeling oddly possessive, the beast in him did not like this. He growled and shoved the wolves away, which were all male, and pulled ahead of them. Most of the other wolves growled unhappily and broke away, running in other directions. It seemed there was more of a swagger to his gait after that, as if he were proud he'd protected her from the others for no reason. [i]I have found the female, so the female is mine. The other males cannot have my female.[/i]