The whole trip Aurora kept her eyes shut, but she could sense they were going at a very high speed. It almost seemed as if she was riding some sort of fuzzy motorcycle. But then without the steering. And without any wheels. With a large beast breathing in between her legs. She let of a deep sigh and dug her nails deeper into his fur. Suddenly, the wolf let out a loud cry which seemed to be answered by several others. It didn't take long or Aurora could make out 3 to 4 other large wolves running alongside. A few even came dangerously close to take whiff. She quickly pulled in her legs to make sure they couldn't reach them anymore. This came incredibly handy as the wolf she was riding on aggressively shoved them out of the way with a growl. Was he protecting her? It sure seemed like it. Soon all the wolves disappeared into the forest again and yet again they were alone. Aurora silently laid her head down onto his back with a headache throbbing behind her eyes. "Ahh.." She grunted. About 10 minutes later the wolf returned to a more reasonably paced lope and they reached a far stretched open area. It was clear a few trees had to go in the process of building their village. Their houses consisted of decently build cottages put together with large pieces of rough blue stone and wood. There was a clear path sturdy enough to support large trucks and heavy cars, illuminated by street lanterns. It seemed like the road lead all the way to the lake in the valley. Aurora couldn't keep up with the amount of cottages as they continued their walk through the village but there was one large house in the middle of the village that stood out the most. It was clearly an important place. Though it was utterly quiet. Well, it was 3AM at the very least, so most of the people were probably asleep. "Do you live here?" Aurora said softly, now noticing she was very thirsty.