Mal finally came to a complete stop just inside the edge of the treeline. He waited until she climbed off before shifting back, giving a luxurious stretch as he stood. "Ah, what a run," he sighed, twisting side-to-side. "I haven't had a workout like that in awhile." He motioned for her to follow, leading her into the huge clearing. There was a large house about twenty yards ahead of them, and then smaller cottages branching out from there. The deeper they went, there were actually people standing along the pathways and loitering outside their houses, many of them staring at Mal and the girl with him curiously. Some lights set into the ground every fifteen feet lit the pathways to the larger structures. He led her towards one of the less-lit pathways to a small cottage with one light on in the window. "Welcome to my home. For now, get cleaned up and get some rest. Tomorrow afternoon, I'll take you to meet the Alpha." He stepped up, unlocked the door, and motioned for her to go inside. He heard footsteps and turned, watching one of the others in his pack approach. "Do you need something, Dunbar?" "Yes. She should be in the main house," the smaller man growled. "It's protocol." He looked very unfriendly, unable to tear his hungry gaze from the human girl. "It's also protocol to keep the humans alive and unharmed. Get back to night watch or I'll have to wake the Alpha so he can deal with you," Mal said breezily, turning away to usher the girl inside.