Name: Jurano Hentur Age: 21 Gender: male Class: The Exiled Appearance [img=] Personality: Jurano has a dark personality, he never talks much, he never joins in the conversations willingly. He tends to show up unexpectedly and leaves without anyone noticing until he is gone, leaving only a note. When he's by himself he reads his novel quietly out in the forests. Skills/abilities: Cloak: this allows Jurano to go invisible but just enough that at a quick glance towards him you can't see him. Dagger training Bow training agility stealth speed reflexes History: Jurano was born as a outskirts peasant, his family never had much money and no real titles of nobility. Instead they were their villages main hunters, they were the gathers for the village using stealth and cunning to their advantage. Jurano grew up learning of their families secrets, how to use their magic abilities to hide themselves in plain sight. Jurano grew up hearing of how the third heir of the throne plans to overthrow her older brothers and take the kingdom with the help of the outskirts people. Jurano gained a nasty taste for getting himself in trouble for trying to steal from large plots of lands owned by nobility, so his parents sent him to a school that his ancestors created to work on his abilities. At this school he gained top marks for dagger training, bow training, stealth, hunting, agility and speed. He graduated at the age of 18 and decided to give his services to the third heir for he believed that if she took the kingdom, that his family would gain better reputation and maybe nobility. He enlisted with the desire to change how the outskirts people were looked upon, not as dirty street rats, but as people worthy of the third heir. Whisper post: [hider=whisper][img=][/hider] [hider=whisper]Jurano was hunting in the woods west of where the exiled castle was situated in the desert. He prefered the forest, his sack was slowly filling with different animals for his next set of meals. After getting an adequate amount of food, he decided to read for the rest of the day. He leaned against the tree with his hood and mask lowered. After a while he started to get the feeling that someone was watching him, he pulled his hood and mask back up and acted like he was cold, as not give away his suspicion. He finished his page and started moving around, he climbed the tree next to him and started hoping from tree to tree, hopefully losing his assailant. He stopped looked back and saw that no one had followed. [i]I guess i'm just paranoid again[/i] he thought to himself, he looked foward and almost fell off the tree in surprise, he grabbed the branch and swung himself back up. What he saw was a blue orb, Jurano felt that somehow this was connected to him, but every other fibre in his body was telling him not to engage until he knew what it was, but Jurano reached out his hand, he grabbed it feeling that something inside him changed, then the blue orb turned into a white fox with three tails. Jurano stood amazed at what happened, he wondered what this fox was capable of, then it ran into him, Jurano was expecting an impact but nothing came instead the fox just stayed inside his body. Running back to the castle Jurano was wondering what just happened, he decided to keep it to himself until the right time had came.[/hider]