I got The Shaolin Guru
28% Strength, 12% Bloodlust, 25% Intelligence, 48% Spirit, 55% Vitality and 20% Agility
"As one of the wisest and most powerful classes, the Shaolin Guru is a master of both combat and magic. Using light magic and mantras to enhance their martial arts skills, Shaolin Gurus can defeat even the most fierce, evil, and dark of opponents. By releasing blasts of light based energy from their fists, Shaolin Gurus can easily shatter through the armor and defensive spells of their opponents. Shaolin Gurus also excel at using healing and defensive magic making them valuable allies in battle. Indeed, these warriors believe in helping all people and will not hestitate to use their powerful magic in order to heal those in pain. By surrounding themselves with fields of psychic light energy, the prescient Shaolin Gurus can repell any sword or spell that tries to harm them. With their incredible combination of defense, strength, and magic, Shaolin Gurus are virtually invincible in battle; however, these warriors are most often peaceful and prefer not use any of their powers in an offensive or aggressive way. Even when attacked, these noble and insightful warriors will simply sit quietly using their incredible defensive abilities as their foes exhaust themselves in a futile onslaught. If Shaolin Gurus ever do engage in any sort of offensive attack, it will most certainly be to gently subdue and incapacitate, rather than to harm and kill. Thus, kindness, gentle strength, and patience are the true assets of Shaolin Gurus, allowing them to surpass warriors with more aggressive and impulsive natures! Finally like all the final stage Monk classes, Shaolin Gurus can use their mastery over moon magic to undergo a variety of transformations that enhance their abilities, including their legendary transformation into the sagacious Dragon Turtle.
Congratulations on achieving this high class!"
Well that description was pretty long.