[center][h3][color=lightblue] Amelia Scarlet Johnston [/color][/h3] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mazneorGST1rxz18m.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] The Campus [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Samael Krios [@MiddleEarthRoze][/center][hr][hr] Looking into his icy blue eyes; Amelia awaited some kind of explanation. As Sam started to speak, her arms were still crossed over her chest as she listened to him. As she heard him ramble; she narrowed her eyes and a slight hurt look crossed her expression, when she heard him say that he had no right acting like her best friend, since he left. Even though he tried to amend his words; Amelia sighed shaking her head slightly [color=lightblue] "So, because you left...you have the right to just assume what I want...or don't want from you now?!" [/color] she shook her head as she sighed, closing her eyes for a few seconds. Yes, he left and left her broken, hurt and confused...but that didn't mean that Amelia would shut him out like that; she had always wanted her best friend back, and to hear him say words like that hurt. It was like someone had stabbed her with a knife or was trying to rip out her insides. [color=lightblue] "A bad situation?" [/color] Amelia rose a slight eyebrow at Sam in confusion...his words made it seem like nothing, but the dark tone of his voice made it sound like death and life situation; which left her confused. [color=lightblue] "You're giving me mixed signals Sam. what was so [b]bad[/b] that you left for two years and didn't reply to my texts, calls...? Do You even have any idea, what hell I went through without you? I thought you were hurt...or worse, when I never got any replies back and you turn up...like nothing affected me in the first place!" [/color] she closed her eyes tightly, hiding her face in the palm of her hands in frustration. Sam had always been honest with her and they seemed to understand each other perfectly...now it felt different, it was like he was a different person and she just didn't know how to make sense of his actions, his confusing words...with a slight frown she looked at him. The anger from her eyes was fading away slightly. She took a few deep breaths; calming her self down as she looked at him. As she heard him, wanting to start all over again; Amelia could feel her lips twitching; he made it so hard to be mad at him and not smile back. She slapped him on his arm; in the usual playful way she always did as they were growing up. [color=lightblue] "I swear, if you weren't my best friend and I hadn't missed you, I'd be kicking your ass right now!" [/color] Amelia couldn't help but smile at him; letting him know she was teasing him about kicking his ass. Moving bit closer, Amelia wrapped her arms Sam, pulling him closer into a warm embrace. The Demi-Goddess leaned against his chest and she closed her eyes; just breathing in the familiar scent.