[Center][b]Ayano Wakahisa: [color=fff200]Wakahisa Residence[/color][/b][/center] [Center][b] Sunday, May 31st[/b][/Center] [i]"Yeah...Another one just got nabbed!"[/i] [i]"Really? I thought I heard somewhere that it was two this time![/i] Ayano looked at the thread as it filled with a new response every time she refreshed...This entire kidnapping thing has gotten out of hand, it was unsettling before, but now they're picking up two? Who knows how long it'll be before they move on to three? Four? Hell, why stop there? They might as well kidnap an entire section! Lots of users were even sharing their own little thoughts and theories about who the mastermind was, but the lack of evidence, concrete or otherwise made it all pointless. She gave a sigh, standing up from her chair and looked out the window, letting her mind wander for awhile. The girl didn't want to admit it, but she was scared...How long until she ends up in the same situation as them? Will anyone even risk their lives to save her? Barring her family of course...And even then, will she make it out alive? Ayano shook her head and began to scratch her head, this negative thinking wasn't probably the best idea to do. The brunette looked outside once more, trying to look on a more positive side this time...So far, everyone that's been kidnapped has ended up safe and sound in the arms of the hospital, so that's one good thing, right? And, they do get better eventually, returning to normalcy after a few days. So maybe it's not all bad? She shrugged, was it bad she was tempting fate? Probably so. Getting back to her surfing, she returned to her laptop, hoping to get her mind off of things.