His mouth twitched downward, into a frown, mirroring his scowling eyebrows. A glint in his eyes shown for a moment- the kind that he got when he felt he was being disrespected. But he controlled himself; he moved away from the thunderous expression he was donning, back to a more passive interest. He still didn't like the fact that she just took one of his prized weapons right out from his hand, but he would give her the benefit of the doubt. For the moment. Regardless of the kiss. He tried to let himself be amused by the increasingly distant Aleksandra, going so far as to get a little half-smirk. Stepping back, Aulfr gave her more room to do her thing, and he took careful note of her movements, of how she moved to the sword, with the sword. Purely for future reference, of course. Nothing more or less; certainly not. Their kiss hadn't changed anything. He found his lips tugging downward slightly as he repeatedly lost focus on his original purpose of studying her, caught up in... other thoughts. He stepped closer again when she finished, looking down at the shorter figure with his arms crossed. He waited several moments, before replying. "You'll have to convince me later if you want me to give up my rarest sword." Moving in a firm, confident way- yet oddly gentle- he took back his sword, silently filing away her advice about how to use it. He already had several ideas on how to adapt his skills with a particular weapon to suit the khopesh; adaptivity was a man's best friend. Or in Aleksandra's case, a woman's.