Kyo eventually returned to see the others already on their way upstairs. Thankful that he had been able to catch the end of the line in the hall, he followed behind to the locker rooms. Since he already had his suit on, he really didn't see any need to change, but he did search the closet for something to replace the baggy T-shirt he had pulled on over the swim trunks. He couldn't do much about his legs, but at least the shorts were long enough to cover them a little past his knees. They could have been much shorter. In the closet, he did find a rash guard that seemed about his size, and was even more relieved to see the long sleeves. After changing as quickly as he could in the one of the changing rooms, trying not to feel too awkward about changing even just his shirt someplace other than his room, he stepped out and searched for a safe place to leave his tablet. He couldn't take it with him in the water, after all.