A moment after the words left her lips, Aulfr jerked. He detected sounds that didn't belong; didn't match his environment, and so training and instinct kicked in and woke him up. Almost as quickly as his mind snapped awake, did it relax again, as he interpreted what he heard, somewhat, and identified it as something much less sinister and deadly as an assassin aiming to kill him would be. His eyes had snapped open, but now they drooped again, finding Aleksandra's. He didn't realize where he was holding her; a moment later, his eyes really did widen a bit, and he let go of her, pushing her away somewhat, as if apologizing for pulling her so close- again. It was something they both were used to- but he was groggy, and he suddenly admitted to himself that he liked Aleksandra. Before she could react, he reached forward again, and pulled her closer again- this time, his face to hers. Right off the bat, sleepy-eyed and with fingers that he just now realized were buried in his hair, he pulled her soft, though scarred, skin closer. He gave her a long, purely instinctual kiss, lightly pressing against his lips against hers. Somewhere in the back of Aulfr's mind, he counted off the seconds- and on the fifth one, he withdrew. He stared at her for a moment, blinked, and realized what he just did. He continued to stare at her curiously for a moment, oddly open, vulnerable, maybe even innocent. But then his face shut down again, regaining a little bit of the hardness that his turned his somewhat rough face more into the appearance of stone- closer to how he usually is. He rolled out of bed, and wordlessly strode back to his window- his usual spot in the mornings. And try as he might, he couldn't help but the elevated heart rate that persisted his efforts to cast aside his action.