1st attempt: I apologize if the possessions/ledger are a bit cluttered.

[center][b]Name:[/b] Chartose Treeshedder

[b]Race:[/b] Charr | [b]Gender:[/b] Male | [b]Age:[/b] 26
[b]Birthday:[/b] Mauven 21st 274 DM | [b]Birthplace:[/b] Silent Rise | [b]Resides in:[/b] Green Fall
[b]Occupation:[/b] Mercenary

Stubborn free-thinker, will often do things just to spite the will of the naysayers despite a complete lack of preparation or forethought.

Chartose was born along with an older sibling from a pair of Charr from Scream-watch, Ivan Treeshredder was a knight recovering from old-wounds, Lunette Gravepaw was a healer. They met after having his father's post moved to the quieter barracks of Green Falls, having their firstborn-son Vladimir shortly afterwards within the barracks. They quickly found an inexpensive home for their new family in Silent Rise. It was there they had Chartose.

Growing-up, Chartose had two older male figures of his species to look up to. Ivan would often fill his head with stories of grand fights, while Vladimir often taught him how to get in and out of mischief in the inhospitable forests. Or rather, tried.

One fateful night on Saffra 42nd, 291 DM the two were out watching over some traps when the two dozed-off. Chartose was the first and only one to wake-up to the sound of his older brother getting mauled to death by a flying Chimera; shortly after narrowly escaping the ordeal with his life, his parents bought him a guard-dog which they named Becker. The two were inseparable. Chartose even bought a second, larger "dog" ([url=http://cdn3.denofgeek.us/sites/denofgeekus/files/styles/insert_main_wide_image/public/dinooldlace.jpg]actually a raptor[/url]) that could run with him upon its back and named her Tricia sometime in Vermillo 296 DM. One year later Ivan died of medical complications on Ceruleo 49th and Lunette went back to work in the Scream Watch barracks, never to be seen or heard of again. It was presumed that in her old age she couldn't make the trip.

In the years that followed, Chartose strove to be quite the able-bodied huntsman, but was a little too bold and foolhardy. It wasn't long until the small town of Silent Rise called a meeting, and offered to buy his home and provide him with provisions, so long as he left peacefully.

Ever since, he'd been living in the woods and off the land whenever possible despite setting-up a mailing-address for himself in Green Falls, either learning or inventing superstitions to keep the memories of his family alive. Every so often he'd rent an inn at Silent Rise, take collections, and offer them as charity to the wounded-knights recovering in the Green Falls barracks.

Endurance 15
Acrobatics 15
Candle-making 5
Hunting 15
Melee, Spear 10
Archery (crossbow) 5
Animal Husbandry (dog) 5
Trapping 5
Familiary 5
Scouting 5
Metalsmithing (Copper) 5
Climbing 30

[b]Possessions:[/b] | Starting

Peasant's outfit | Starting | 5 SP
Peasant's outfit, Fancy wool | 1 GP
Hunter's Leather Armor | 10 GP
Spear | 3 GP
Axe | 2 GP

Tinderbox (a fire-starter/ discrete flame-holder/handwarmer) | 1 GP
2x Paper-Lanterns (folding box) /w/ 10 candles and simple oil-lamp | 5 SP

Dog, Guard | 25 GP <-- Becker, familiar
Bit and bridle | 2 GP
Bear-trap | 1 GP
Grappling-hook x2 | 2 GP
Chain (10 ft) | 30 GP

Blanket, warm x2 | 1 GP
Canvas, 2x3 yrd + cord | 1 GP
Flask x2 | 6 CP
Rope x2 (50 ft) | 10 GP
Buckets, x2 | 1 GP

Ale, Gallon, local | 2 SP
Cheese, Wheel | 1 GP
Meat, 1 chunk | 3 SP
Bread 1 loaf | 2 CP

[b]Possessions:[/b] | Bought:
Light Crossbow | 45 GP
Bolts x100 | 1 GP
[s]Dog[/s] Raptor, Riding (large) | 150 GP <-- Tricia
Backpack | 2 GP
Tent | 10 GP
Copper effigy of Becker (amulet) | Crafted
Small wooden cart (single axle) | 15 GP

Starting balance | 100 GP
No home bonus| 1,000 GP

Purchases | 214 GP
Quest Rewards | 0 GP
Wages/Upkeep | 5 GP/day (-1 GP/day for upkeep)

Notes: Resides at an Inn only during winter. Tends to carry 1,000 pieces in small denominations.