[b]Name[/b] Rorick Shatterfell [b]Age[/b] 25 [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Class[/b] The Allegiance [b]Appearance[/b] [center][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Male%20Characters/Rorick.jpg][/center] [b]Personality[/b] Rorick has the heart of a lion and the bravery of a thousand war generals. Unfortunate timing of the splitting of the family robbed him of his childhood and any relationships that would have blossomed during this time and therefore his more sensitive side is a bit hardened; but his intentions are pure and his loyalty goes without saying. [b]Skills/abilities[/b] As leader of his army, Rorick is excellent in all types of combat… Hand-to-hand (Expert) Archery (Decent) Two handed Weapon (Alright) Sword and Shield (Master) He is also an excellent horse-back rider and is practiced with the 'peasant-like' chores of his kingdom. (He is often seen in the surrounding areas helping to chop wood, dig ditches, gather food, or anything of the sort. He's not afraid of good, hard work.) [b]History[/b] *See IC OP History* [b]Whisper post[/b] [hider=Whisper][center][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Misc/hawk_patronus_by_daedlychicken-d3r98ky-1.jpg][/center][/hider] [hider=Whisper Post] [i]It was a brisk autumn morning and I was miles from my castle. Being an early riser for as long as I can remember, I greeted the early morning light as the warm orange glow kissed the tops of the trees and surrounding mountains. I was only fourteen physically, but the years of hardship following after my family's division robbed me of such innocence of a child and therefore in spirit I was closer to my twenties. Using my dagger, I shaved off a piece of an apple I had picked from an apple tree nearby and fed it to my horse who eagerly snatched up the juicy treat. I smiled as I patted the magnificent beasts neck and felt the fingers of the morning rays pierce through the thicket of trees and warm my face. the serenity of the morning was then immediately broken by a loud female scream. I quickly turned my head in the direction of the scream and saw a woman, no older than 25, running quickly through the forest as if her life depended on it. And with another look I soon realized why. Five men on horses were hot on her trail, three with their bows drawn and firing arrows at the woman and the other two with their swords drawn. A quick look at their armor told me that they didn't belong to my kingdom, but that of my younger brothers whom I share a boarder with. Anger pulsed through me as I jumped onto my horses bare back and kicked him into a full gallop, chasing the men that had been chasing the woman. Coming upon the fifth soldier trailing behind with his sword drawn, I stood up slowly on my horses back before jumping onto the soldiers horse and with the element of surprise on my side, I managed to punch him off of the horse after stripping him of his weapon. I didn't dare to watch as the soldier rolled off over the hill and over the cliff that I rode beside. By taking out the swordsman, I had lost both speed and time as the woman and the others reached the edge of the cliff; there was nowhere for her to run. The bowmen once again notched their arrows, planning on spearing her execution style which set my soul on fire. Had I been paying attention while I rode the stolen horse as fast as I could make him go, I would have seen a delicate blue orb hovering by my head. I reached the edge of the cliff where I reared the horse and jumped off, putting myself between the women and the bowmen. "Leave her alone!" I shouted as I pointed the stolen sword at the soldiers. I expected a laugh in return as I was still quite small and the sword was nearly as long as I was tall, but instead the bowmen quietly lowered their bows, their eyes trained on something just above my head. Looking up in the direction of their gazes, I spotted a bluish orb dancing above my head. It was much like a spec of dust only much larger and it seemed to be alive. I too felt myself grow quiet as this being above me seemed to fill my heart with serenity and peace. There was a sense of playfulness as the very top of my head hairs seemed to be grabbed by the orb. I saw it float down and then suddenly...it was gone, almost as if it had melted inside of me. "Enough of this! Kill her!" The lone man with the sword said, seeming to be the first one to shake the calm from himself and the bowmen responded by raising their weapons once more. I immediately felt this strange warmth envelop inside of me, like that feeling you get when you slurp up a bowl of hot stew on a cold winters day. For a split second, I felt incredibly light-headed and began to see stars in my vision but when I blinked, it was as if I were looking through someone else's eyes. The colors were vivid, the details were crisper. If I had known any better, I would assume that I was seeing out of the eye of a bird. The arrows were released and my new keen senses seemed to be able to watch them in slow motion, but I too was moving in slow motion. Suddenly, a burst of light emitted from my chest, the impact making me raise off of the ground for a few seconds, just floating there before this HUGE bird formed from the light that came from me and flew up, using his wings to deflect the arrows as time seemed to resume it's natural course. With the arrows now clattering to the earth below, the bird folded it's fifteen-feet wingspan back into it's six-foot tall body, Had it not been mostly transparent, I wouldn't have been able to see the faces on the soldiers who now ran with terror at the large bird now creating a barrier between the woman, myself and the soldiers. "Return to your king..." A voice seemed to echo through the forest, but from what I could tell, no ones mouth was moving. "and inform him that this girl you hunt is dead. Only then will I let you return to your kingdom in peace." And then...just as suddenly as the bird had revealed itself...it had vanished once more into a tiny blue wisp of smoke that seemed to linger around me. "You have bonded with your whisper, Prince Rorick..." The woman said wisely behind me, looking quite proud, much like a mother looking down proudly on her son. She now resides as a nursemaid in my castle.[/i] [/hider]