Jess doesn't succeed in getting the housekeepers attention. [color=ed1c24][i]Look... Even she doesn't care about us.[/i][/color] Jess sighs and follows the rest of the group up to the third floor. The housekeeper speaks, "Girl's lockers on the right. Boy's lockers on the left. As you enter you'll see a door. This leads to a large walk-in closet where you will find suits of various sizes and styles." Jess slowly walks towards the door on the right. [color=00aeef][i]We can't do this... We can't do this...[/i][/color] She continues and enters the locker room, coming to the big walk-in closet with the swimsuit choices. None of the other girls are currently in the closet choosing a suit, they all have either already gotten them and are trying the bathing suits on or haven't gotten there yet. She starts looking around, touching some of the fabrics. [color=ed1c24][i]I'm not sure why you're even looking... You'll look horrible in all of them.[/i][/color] Jess retracts her hand from the current suit with a quick motion. All the hurt and pain coming back up again - resurfacing. [color=00aeef][i]Really... You know we can't go through this again, not with what happened...[/i][/color] She slides to the floor, with her back against the wall. Jess closes her eyes as the tears stream down her cheeks, she can feel the liquid run down her neck and drip onto her clothes. All she wants to do is forget...